Get Set GO

The concepts of Haritha Haaram, Patriotism and Swacch IARE caught the minds of the youngsters who come up with colorful presentations supported by hearty explanation. The idea is to catch them young and to some extent it definitely matched the occasion. Interestingly, girls were more in number and explained their concepts with great zeal.

Ajay, a student from CSE branch made an interesting poster on Swacch IARE. The young minds needed just a push from the right direction and pat comes the flow of creation. Here is his poster. How good our surroundings feel if we could keep them clean...
Cleanliness is an 'in' thing, we can't impose it on others. So let's feel it and Do it!

The students were asked to come in the attires of the colors of our national flag. Interestingly many had come obliging our request. Even the faculty opted for the same. And a flow of pics to freeze the moment happened. :)

Thematic presentation is not a new concept. It always helps to channel the creativity and gains the spirit of participation. The program went on with presentations and a bit of patriotic songs. Though a bit hesitant in the beginning the staff and the students took to the spirit of Induction of professionalism that makes us a better individual first and evolve as a better professional.
The auditorium sessions had come to an end and
Classes to begin from today. ON the mark... GET set GO  :)

-- Jayashree Naidu

Three cheers to Vocabulary


This term is synonymous with the casual expression - word bank. This includes the number of words we know and use during the casual or formal interactions determine our fluency related to a foreign language such as English. 

In general the learning capacity of words or adding new words to our word bank would be higher in our childhood. It decreases as we move on to teens and falls by the time we reach our twenties. By twenty five we would stop adding new words. Thus it shows a falling trend in words for interesting communication


This leads to some personality flaws. Firstly, it limits our methods of expression. Secondly, repetitive use of words make us sound boring. Thirdly, this stands as a flaw for our fluency of the language.
Finally, language wise, the person suffers inferiority complex.

Here to root words make their presence felt strongly. Knowing the root of a word helps us to retain the memory of words and establish higher levels of vocabulary. Most words in English are based on the root words taken from Greek and Latin. If we take the word 'Vocabulary' - it has the root word 'voc' - means word or name. This Latin root word is present even in words such as 'advocacy' or 'vocal'. This makes things easy for us to learn new words. Keep a note of the root word and its meaning so that the vocabulary grows in spite of the count of the numbers added to our age.

So, why not opt for some methods to add some words to the existing ones and feel the new energy of speaking better, and expressing better.

-- Jayashree Naidu

New Feel for the Freshers

This year AICTE attached special rules for the first year students of Engineering courses. They named it as Induction Program. A three week program was planned and sent to all the institutions in the country. Many colleges in the city of Hyderabad were lukewarm towards organising the programs. This schedule included the seminars for personality development, how to be good engineers, Human values, Yoga, Bridge courses etc.

A look at the list of the scheduled programs feels good to give the head start for the youngsters. But the planning makes it all happen. Here in our Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, the program was meticulously planned by Dr Anita, the HoD of Freshman Department. Eminent personalities made their presence felt through the various seminar topics discussed in the given time slots. In the classes also, we have taken sufficient care to discuss the course structure and the way the semister system functions and special features of the undergraduation education system.

I tried my best to stress on the importance of referring the text books as much as possible by the students. A more detailed discussion on how to make notes of their own was also made them to accept the fact unwillingly though :) jThe system had been serving them on a platter. Now to find their own way sounds strange for sure.

My favourite topic YOGA
On friday the unseen opportunity was given to come prepared for the YOGA session the next day. It had to be two sessions - morning and evening. My mind is on cloud nine. It is the best time to explain the young minds about the plus points of it with lighter yogasanas, health aspects and the food habits. Carefully selected the points, prepared the slides, and also a bit info on the usage of nuts such as walnut, pista, almonds etc. Even the seeds like watermelon, pumpkin and sunflower do wonders for great protein content. Gathered the information and made mind map for the presentation. After a sudden thought  included the various mudras that had become the best point of the presentation.

A student from IT, Sushmita gave her best through exhibiting the asanas to pinch the interest in the minds of the freshers. And it worked. The students felt the motivation. But yet to know whether they carried it home :)

P for Puppies

Pets add life to the otherwise lukewarm routine. Their presence enriches with packs of affection and sessions of playful cheerfulness. I don't believe any person could have aversion to them. Unless an inborn allergy happens, a human being enjoys all the attention showered by them. Of all the animals kept as pets, dogs are the best friends for us. It is an accepted fact, no doubt.

Kurnool has added many memories to the days of childhood innocence.
The vast place around the house had many wonderful birds, plants and animals too. I discovered the third factor by accident. One evening, after returning from home all of a sudden a shrill voice of a puppy was heard. That was coming from the back side of the bougainvilla that grew near the living room window. A careful peep showed the presence of a small cute puppy searching frantically for its mother.

The tiredness of the school vanished, and I ran inside shouting I saw a puppy
All the sisters and mother came out to check if there was any clue about its mother. A bigger dog was lying with all its four puppies and this was the fifth one. What a wonderful way to find the addition to our family.

They became our regular play mates. The mother was a meek one with no fear for strangers. We used to take the puppies inside the home and play with childish curiosity. The mother seemed to be confident about its puppies safety. This went on for some months.

Every evening was a happy time to enjoy the bundles of squeaking puppies. We gave them names too. Fat puppy was the Bhim, Black and white spots one was my favourite, so I called it Kalajamun,   brown one was everyone's favourite. It had sparkling eyes and active too. The moment we enter home from school, they too would run towards us. That was the first time I experienced the joy of being wanted, showered with attention and affection.  One evening I could not find them. The garden was silent without their presence. Something bad seemed to creep into the air. I went on calling them and made rounds around the house.

There was a low level cement tank to hold water for the garden. A look towards it revealed it all. A shocking site of four puppies floating dead in the tank made me run blindly towards the house. Tears were running on the cheek. Words failed and I was gasping. Somehow I gathered courage to tell the fate of the little ones.

Their mother left our place and went to lead its life. Just one puppy survived out of those five. And that remained with us till we left the place. On the day of leaving the place, it even tried to jump into the vehicle and its eyes were pleading to take it too. That was the Last shot of pain, and I kept myself away from any kind of pets.

-- noenglish

Last Seen Kurnool

That was the last glimpse that I had of the land.
Once a playground for me, a school that taught the secrets of nature, a loyal listener to all my childish humming.
As the four wheeler geared up the speed forward, the pain, unknown made its presence in me to remain for years to come.

The night was dark, with dripping raindrops and hurriedly settled for the night. The sunrise was a preparation for the years to come. The big building stood in a forlorn look with red soil on one side and pure black mud on the other. The way to the gate was perched around a space, that could be guessed as a small garden. There was around one acre land in its untouched mode.

Father took to the task. He got the land ploughed and that was the first experience of looking at the soil in close quarters. The soil opening up itself to the machine, the unwanted plants being rooted out, caught my fascination for years to come. The wait for rains was a long one and father did not wait. He divided the land into parts to grow vegetables, crops and flowering plants. What a variety to look for?

The first sight of life from soil was a wonderful one. We planted beans seeds at the hedge so the plant could easily grow. We were pouring water from the tank. Every day morning it is a ritual to look for the first leaves of the plant. For one week there was no sign of life. One big rain through out the night, and pat showed up two green leaves with a shine of life, surrounded by the black soil! What a sight to cherish. That hooked my pulsing heart to the nature. What an experience to touch the soil, the tender leaves, and look for the buds, flowers, and feel the fully grown veggies appear as shy kids behind those leaves.

The birds chirping sounds, the raw bananas prospering into yellow fruits, the ground nut plants secretly hiding the nuts only to be plucked to devour. The variety of flora was as vast as the area. The tamarind tree, and guava tree looked like the elders of the group. The banana trees with all the water and muddy soil, speak a different language. The softness of the earth worms was friendly answer to the plant's call for nutrition.

The roses, lillies, chrysanthemums, hibiscus, zinnias, jasmines, and what not, you name the plant, we had it. That was a life close to nature, knowing the nature, playing with nature. Father's ritual of transfer, wiped out everything and uprooted me to another land. What is the name of it, doesn't matter. This land is gone forever.

The evening of departure from Kurnool was the saddest day. The dog, whom we groomed with love, the plants, the flowers and the soil - turning their reality into memory - never to be seen again.

The Last seem gloominess of the vast land stays with me as a simple memory of my Land!

-- noenglish

One word, One story

When I was staring at the whatsapp screen, checking how the friends been in and out of it, how often they did, these two words 'online', 'last seen' - caught my attention. Many a time I thought of their applicability then and now. They sounded mysterious and wonderful too.

A person last seen,
A criminal last seen
A dearest one last seen and lost for ever
The list goes on with endless applicabilities...
An idea of writing the many shades of the word occurred. So here is the first story on this word 'Last seen' 

 Story 1
Last Seen
Some persons are precious. Bonds make them important for us. It demands togetherness. One such demanding bond is the customary acceptance of a stranger into our life in the name of marriage. Faith is built out of ignorance. Yet life shortens the togetherness. Leaves us out in the open to face the world. Gap looms large and dilutes heart's empathy. Excuses take the place of hearty words. Bonding or binding - it speaks the terms of hypocrisy.
The child waiting at the gate could not understand her mother's tears. The newspaper in her hands is twisted between her trembling fingers. Father's photo and some words written below it left no clue for the innocent mind. The man in uniform is looking rude and impatient. "when was it that you saw him last? With whom was he talking on phone... To whom was he texting... What were the names he mentioned to you...
The questions never ended.
She didn't speak a word. If only she knew. If only she could have smelled it before anybody did. Faith blinded her. The last seen image of her husband flashed with a no return hint.

That sent shivers down her spine. The brief disappearances, the whispered conversations on phone, keeping her away from the belongings and lastly the hint in his choked voice "time has come for me to choose. I may not..." His hands loosened around her.
The voices around her question with a never ending curiosity. The grief loosen the grit.
Yet the faith in life let her gather herself and walk through the days. The little girl is her connecting chord between the world and her lost meaningless bond.
Last seen... Where... She never knew
May be never to be seen again... Yes.. She only knew. And would never forgive him.

-- noenglish

Preview, Read, Recall

The title suggests three words. They look unrelated. The first word preview sounds familiar. It is formed with the help of the prefix - pre, means before. We all know that. We have so many other words that have this prefix.

So we can make its meaning and yes, you are right. Preview means to see it  before everybody sees it. And pat comes the movie previews that would be screened for the review pundits. Here I'm not discussing about movie previews, but the technique of reading.

Reading a book or reading an article of our favourite writer or the novel or any reading stuff. Reading as a skill has its techniques. The methods make it easy for us to read faster and remember longer.

This technique consists of three frames of action
First one - Preview
This includes what we do when we take a book into our hands. We check the front and back covers of the book. Read the details printed there. If that creates a curiosity to know more, we shuffle through the pages, read here and there, check for the content that interests us etc. All the parameters satisfied, then we take the book to the counter and make it ours by paying the cash.
If its a newspaper or web article, we look at the title first. If that creates interest, then we look at the content as a whole. We will try to find some cue words that connects the info in our mind. If that too is established, then we settle with the reading activity for the next ten minutes or so. 

If it is a piece of write up that we need to remember for the sake of examination, this preview includes other actions such as - how many pages does the answer consume, if its one page ok, if it exceeds to two or three, better go through the side headings, and make an estimation of time period it takes for you to study as a whole.

Second one is to Read
Now settled down to read, the words don't go easy on us. Some may sit tough. Our mind has no reference of it. Then take the help of a dictionary. Refer to it, and write its meaning over the word. Underline or highlight the spaces that contain important information. This action gives us the gist of the content when we get back to it for a quick reference. Read each word carefully. Understand its meaning. Try to visualise the content. This creates easy way for the short memory.

Lastly, it is to Recall
We recall the funny situations of the movies that we watched. We recall/hum the lyrics of our favourite songs. But study material contains no such entertainment. Yet it gets us the marks, the ranks and the pride. So we have to create our own occasions to recall the answers that are read. Discussing the topic with friends and explain to clear their doubts or ours is the only way to recall the content. This creates the permanent folder for it in the brain and we call it long term memory.

Have a happy session with your reading time folks!
Some more tricks in the coming posts.

-- noenglish

Hima, The Golden Girl

The TV channels are wonderstuck at the success, shocked at the levels of performance, the running abilities on the track seemed unbelievable... seconds split the mind... and the mind blowing headlines flashed...
Hima Das is India's first track and field gold medalist at the IAAF World Championships

She needs no introduction
Her tears of excitement has become the silent alphabet for the nation.
Her fire ignited many embers of the country's little hearts.
She banged the fears that parents dreaded the most.
She wrote her definition of FREEDOM
She is the tall post for FREE will
She is the HIMA, the eighteen year old from the least known town,  Dhing in Assam's Nagaon district, presented her motherland with the first ever gold at a world track event. She is also a socially conscious teenager. She took lead in demolishing country liquor vends in her village Dhing and its neighbourhood.  Appreciate her guts to do anything and everything that she finds right.

The 18-year-old Hima Das, shot like an arrow on the track and clocked 51.46 seconds, edging out Romania's Andrea Milkos (silver) and America's Taylor Manson (bronze).

A girl from the unknown hamlet, Dhing, has a father who believed in her abilities. Ranjit Das, a small farmer who grows rice and struggles for day to day menials. She is the youngest of six siblings.  The close association with nature brings out the best in an individual. Hima is a proof for that. Her ability to run while playing, while stealing the fruit from the orchards, playful bets with friends brought out the best in her. The hamlet nurtured her sibling.

Though she opted to play football, her speed was noticed by  Nipon Das last January. He suggested her to shift to track and went on to become her coach. Due to the absence of a running track, she opted for the muddy football field. Despite the lack of facilities, she won bronze in the state meet.  Nipon is an athletics coach with the Directorate of Sports and Youth Welfare. He convinced Hima to shift to Guwahati for better facilities.

“She does not get overawed by anybody and does not care about her opponents. In every race, her goal is to beat the best with better timing,” says her coach.

She started using spikers  only a couple of years ago. So don't blame the lack of facilities to be an achiever.

She eventually qualified for the women's 200m event at the Asian YOuth Championships in Bangkok. She finished Seventh there.

Her timing of 24.52 seconds qualified her for the World Youth Championships in Nairobi. She took the fifth place with the time of 24.31 seconds.

Further bettered her performance with a gold at the Asian games test event in Jakarta with her career best of 23.59 seconds.


With her success at World U20, Hima made herself a favourite for the gold at next month's Asian Games.

Hearty best wishes to you dear Golden Girl!

-- noenglish

Bonsai From Japan

Japan as a country has distinct traditions. Their growth as a nation is a proof for this. The traditions are followed as daily rituals, indulging the individuals in building the economy, and making the religion a personal attribute.

In Japan, blowing nose in public is considered to be uncultured. One should find a private place to blow the nose and be free of the disturbing insider. People prefer to wear masks to protect them during winter. They take care not to spread germs and harm the people around.

Japanese follow Buddhism. It preaches non-violence. Yet it is the land where Karate is practised. Kara means empty and Te means hand in Japanese. They fight with empty hands, without holding any weapon. It originated in the island of Okinawa. This form of fighting has been heavily influenced by the Chinese Kung Fu.
Another word from Japanese, of recent origin is Karaoke. This includes singing along with the tune of a popular song. The singers read the lyrics from a screen. Even the bad voiced ones could record their favourite songs and have fun!

One more widely accepted word from Japan is Ninja. This actually means a spy in Japanese. But in English this refers to a perosn who moves and attacks silently. The movies made an impact by showing fighters who wear masks and black clothing as ninjas. This may not be a historical truth. Yet people enjoy watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series on TV.

Some more Words such as
Tsunami, means a very large sea wave that is caused by an earthquake.

Bonsai: This word in Japanese means "planted in a container". This is an art form in which plants are grown in various containers and their roots are pruned time by time to make them look miniature trees. It utilises horticultural methods and artistic applications.
'Moshi Moshi' means telephonic hello where as 'Sayonara' - means 'good bye'. This word had been popularly used in English for quite a period of time.

-- noenglish

Present politics fortify History

Some words attain attention due to political happenings. Some form due to the upheaval of a country's suppressed majority. Some words flare the free spirit of the bonded and the imprisoned.

 History was my favourite subject in my B.A and most of the time it was self-study. European history is a bunch of wars and revolutions. French revolution was the favourite of Meenaakshi madam who taught us the subject. She never got tired of explaining the three spirited words...
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
 French for "liberty, equality, fraternity"
They are the motto of France.Storming of the Bastille was my favourite episode. The factor of oppression leads to the rise of opposition. This is a historical lesson down the centuries.

Next comes Nelson Mandela's Anti-Apartheid
All the Indians witnessed the live telecast of his release from the prison in late 1980s and his rise to the position of the president of South Africa.

Apartheid as a word means a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.
Struggle against Apartheid - (originated from the African root apart - separated; heid-hood) attained global status to symbolise the spirit of freedom. He was the hero for the youngsters of eighties generation.

Some words lead us to the awakened application of the vocabulary erstwhile lay dormant. Now the politically slumbering streets of the city Hyderabad, started to gather the vitiating religious guards and resulting in the government's decision to extern (banish someone considered politically undesirable from a region or district). In the present upheavals it needs no reference of Myth against the rationale.

The myth spread strong
Refuses to see the logic
Mitigates the free will with 
The claws of power.

The darkness of the night
announces the banishment
With a pride of prejudice
Freezing the reason with profound deafness.

The wheels rush towards the destiny
unknown to them or me
Caught in the metallic machine
The spirit of freedom stands tall

Caught in the valleys of darkness
the outskirts witness your departure
The chill in the air melts at the
Raging volcanoes of the oppressed

Be ready... dear city of destinies
Bhagyanagar Of Quli
History is in the making
Write it, soon
Your son returns!


Guerilla Marketing

After Germany, let us move on to another neighboring country of England, that is Spain. The moment I typed Spain and England in the search engine, a list of centuries of periodical war appeared under the name of Anglo Spanish War. Naval invasions were common between these two. Armada is the Spanish and Portuguese word for naval fleet, which also adopted into English. Now its clear that the political conditions too affect the word intake for a language.

One more word Guerrilla
In Spanish, this word literally means “little war.” This means an unofficial group of people fighting the government. In English, it’s most commonly used as an adjective “guerrilla warfare” or “guerrilla marketing.”

Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy. Its concept is designed to promote products or services in an unconventional way with little amount to spend.

This word describes a person who is strong or masculine. This word also describes the attitude of a person's arrogance about his manhood.

in Spanish is equivalent to the portico of English. This refers to the area outside a house that accommodates a table and some chairs. But there wont be roof to cover them.

More from Spain
Previously referred to an open area used by the people in general in a city.
Presently used as a compound noun as it is attached with the names of many shopping malls and  corporate building areas.

This word is a synonym for nap in English.
This refers to that short period of sleep one takes in the middle of the day, especially after lunch. The intense heat of summer encourages people to take siestas in the noon in hot countries.
This applies to our Indian climate as well!

-- noenglish

Children's Garden

We fear to take loans but languages are more generous than human beings. They loan each other generously and enrich lavishly.  In another way, it reflects the openness of the grammatical structure of the words of the language that could make the most out of them. This makes the language a living one. This is a better feature as one becomes extinct with limited vocabulary.

Loanwords are nothing new to English as a language. It continues to grow merging with words from other languages. Today let us take up loan words from Germany.

 The most commonly used word of admitting children for their first stint with reading and writing and even getting accustomed to school schedule starts with the playschool. Such schools look beautiful with colored animals, trees and alphabet drawn on the walls. The small chairs, tables and the kids with innocent eyes paint a picture of mini garden. Lower Kindergarten is the expanded form of LKG. Upper Kindergarten is for UKG. Kindergarten literally means "children's garden" in German language.

We have various types of formal dances. Waltz is one such dance form. This word is also applied to the music that is played during those dances.

Some more German..

Rucksack means a backpack ( Rucken means back, and sack means bag)

poltergeist means a ghost who reveals its existence through making noises and throwing objects

zeitgeist defines the mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs 

dachshund defines a dog's breed with very short legged and long bodied

blitzkrieg an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.

Finally one interesting fact to end the post
German Shepherds are the world famous german dogs, previously known as Alsatian dogs in Britain, Italy and even in Indian homes. They are the second most popular dog breed opted by the dog lovers. They were originally developed for herding the sheep. Hence the name German Shepherds. 

-- noenglish

Game of Grammar

English language has a specific feature. It has parts of speech numbered eight. We have been chanting them since the day we joined our school education. They are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

All the names of persons, places, animals and things are placed under the heading of NOUN.
Agreed and understood.
But English is such a naughty language, that it turns the nouns into verbs. We use them frequently without much observation. This time notice the words that are spoken from our mouth. Give a thought for their structure when they are uttered. The game of grammar reveals itself and our score improves automatically.

Game of Grammar

Let's take nouns. And check their verb forms as well.
Water - its a noun, and we drink water whenever we feel thirsty.
Waters - is not a plural form but describes the water content of the rivers or oceans
Water as a verb is used in sentences such as
'Plants are watered well' or
'The boys is watering the plants' or
'I water the plants everyday'

Now take the noun pen
I bought a costly pen. (its a general usage as a noun}
He penned a nice poem in the memory of his uncle.
Penned - not much in general usage., mostly literary one. It's useage shows the language fluency of the person.
One can say 'he penned it well.'

This noun is an interesting one.
Paper is considered to be a material used for writing. We have colors added to it - white paper, red paper, blue paper etc
We read newspaper - Sheets of paper containing printed information and folded in bundles
Westerners live in wood houses where they cannot go for whitewash. They have their ways of decorating the interiors of their houses. That is through wall papers.
They 'paper' the walls with beautiful patterns. (verb)
Their walls are papered well.

Some verbs belong to the native speakers as we do not practise them here.
Wait for some more games in the coming days :)

-- noenglish


Back to the roots again.  This time let's go with the verb "to see"
Spect - which means to see -  is a latin word that acts both as a prefix and a suffix.

Many of its words are commonly used. There are around three hundred words in English that has spect as their suffix or prefix. To name a few...

Spectator - a person who is watching (a performance or sports)
Spectacle - a sight that has such beauty that is beyond description
Spectacular - a wonderful sight (adjective form)
Spectacles - the mirrors that are framed and mechanised as lenses to enable our eye sight normal

We have two psychology oriented words here
Introspect -this refers to the thoght flow that enables us to exam one's own feelings and thoughts.
This is the verb form.
Introspection is the noun form.

Another verb form is to inspect. To look inside of the issue or a place or a thing
The educational officials inspect the schools annually once. And the person who inspects is called an inspector :) School inspection time used to be the most well remembered period even to this day :) CHildren are dressed in the neat sparkling uniforms and footware. They are sent to the school with great care and preparation for each subject. The students' answers measure the teachers' performance. Hence the tension is shared by the teachers as well.
Finally it is clear that we inspect because we suspect :)

We have around 354 words containing this root word Spect


Coke and Cancer

TODAY'S news feed shocked the readers with the terrifying headlines that Sonali Bendre has been diagnosed with a high grade cancer.

Sonali Bendre.... Her name is enough to trigger a period of nostalgic bonding with the girlish chirpy damsel onscreen.
She was as lovely as a rose bud.
She looked like a swinging jasmine creeper.
Her grace reflecting perfection, her beauty occupies the mind and heart.
Her presence lingers long after the visual treat called cinema. She's the golden doll.

Previously it's Irrfan Khan too declared his fight with cancer. His cancerous condition is named neuroendocrine tumour. This frequent occurrences made me think what this cancer means to a person?
Previously it used to be a selected strata of people with different life styles, such as alcoholics,  considered to be affected by cancer. But things are taking unexpected twists. 

'Cancer' in Greek means crab. The abnormal spreading mass of the tissue is called a tumour. Greek physician Hippocrates used the terms Carcinos and carcinoma to describe the health condition of the patients. He lived during 460-370 BC. He is also the "Father of Medicine".

 Benign Vs Malign
There are many types of cancers. Symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, pain, skin changes, continuous cough, fever etc could give a hint. But it is better to opt for specialised tests. Cancer has stage wise growth. This is further determined by biopsy. Bio means life. The tissue of the tumour is taken and tested to find cancerous cells. All tumours are not harmful. Only a few come under the disease category and they are called malign tumours. The harmless ones are named as benign tumours. 

What causes this...
No particular health conditions mentioned. The doctors has found that it is not possible to know the reason behind the development of cancerous cells in humans.  The modern food habits and life styles increased the presence of harmful chemicals in our surroundings. These work on our body and lead to the malfunctioning of the cells. Genetic reasons and increased consumption of alcohol - these two reasons are established. Many other factors too are involved in this.

Presence of chemicals in food items is another aspect. The bottles loads of coke and cola entering the bodies of youngsters. makes my mind calculations go wild. The youngsters celebrate the birthdays with cake and coke. Somebody got a job, and have cake and coke. A kid's birthday or a friend going abroad, or even a casual meeting with colleagues too demands the presence of htis horrible artificial health damaging liquid. How long are we to poison ourselves...
How many more cancers are to make home in our nature's best engineering mechanism - our body?
How long?
Better opt for better food habits and surroundings
Let us save ourselves so that the coming generations could be given a safe life.
-- noenglish

Bolnedo re bechari ko

Teaching is like preparing a weather report and wait for the rain to fall or the sun to shine.If the weather report says it will rain, sun shows his might. And vice versa. A class also is the same as the sky. Anything can happen at any moment. This experience taught me the best of my teaching career.
First let's go through the details.

. That was 2010.
I joined in a new institution.
Preivously I worked in an all girl college. Now its a co-ed one. 
My first experience of working in a co-educational institution.
The boys and girls were in the class.
I had a word wit the principal of the college.
He was a man of around forty years. Not so fair complexion. He spoke with a concern over the change in generation. How they wisted their ways to suit the purpose.  was just smiling and nodding to his words

After half an hour he called in an ayah, and asked her to take me to my battle field.

The class room was located on the first floor. Hammayyy.a... I thought. Now at the place, where I could take charge of the situation. Everybody in the class was speaking loud and it sounded like a busy mandi on fridays. The boys were moving from front bench to the last. And the girls were busy with their gossiping. Some are looking at each other and pasing on the news that new faculty had come to teach them.

Here I took charge of the place near the board and wrote the title of the topic. No use. No silence
Next made a sound  or two with the duster. No use. No silence.
I could feel the levels of helplessness increase inside the mind.
What to do... How to do.. SHould I shout... I never believed in shouting.
I was standing there silent, enjoying the view of a disorderly class. THe principal peeped once or twice. And went on his way without saying a thing. Now its time to do something.

I asked the class "do you people wish to go through a lesson or not. As it is the first session for me I leave the choice to you."

One or two students looked at me and simply continued their conversation.

That was the last straw for me...
I moved to their benches, caught the roaming students in the class and dumped them in their benches. And hit the book hard on the bench. All the class fell silent and looked at me. "Why are you making noise?
"Today no class ma'am" pat came the reply.
I didn't know what to say. Yet I thought fast and asked "why?"
"We are in no mood for it."
"But I'm here means I have to take the class."
"NO" the class shouted in union.
 I told them "let us make an agreement. How much time are you all ready to spare to listen to the lesson?"
They looked in disbelief at me.
I said "yes, I'm ready for it. Now tell me."
One of them from the class in a meek voice commented, arrey... boldnedo re bechari ko.
I was stunned. Wow... its me the bechari... :)
I said to myself, ok cool... calm down.
I turned to them and said, "look I;m going to finish the lesson in ten minutes."
Took the chalk and started to explain.

Teaching a lesson to the students takes at least three classes. That's my usual ritual of explaining. How to finish a lesson that takes one hundred and eighty minutes of explanation in just ten minutes? Can I do that? There were the questions that went racing on my mind. Yet I encouraged my self - chalo ek experiment ho jaye...

Once the explanation started it went on till the end of the class time, the bell rang. And I smiled at the students.
Ma'am this is cheating... they all shouted in naughty smiles.
Yes my dears, I must, because I've to teach you so I learned from you :)

-- noenglish

Love for a root word

We have a very bad reputation of demeaning our vocabulary levels. We demand the writer to writer according to our vocabulary levels. Any two or three words that trouble us, make a judgement that this writer is not of my level. its a waste to break my head over the high standard of words there. 

Its good not to trouble over such instances. But learning a language needs some headache, some tongue twisting and then comes the sweet reaping crop of fluency of the foreign tongue. Some very rare souls are there who die for the words of high caliber. They love to break their heads to learn them, use them and feel superior to others.  Some root words are there to form words for those lovers of languages.

Root words are the basic word form that helps to form a word that suits the occasion. Phile s one such root word. It is derived from Greek and means to love. Thinking about the good and bad of humanity with love and affection makes one a philosopher.. That type of writings including those thoughts is named as philosophy. 

Some common words derived from phil are philanthropist, and bibliophile. 

A person who donates generously for the causes that promote welfare of poor and the needy is known as a philanthropist.

A person who has a great love of books is a bibliophile (phile here rhymes with FILE}

A lover of words is a Log-o-phile.

So, better to find where your and my "phile" is..

-- noenglish

Sleeping Angels in the Class

/Today I played the role of a student for a great duration of two hours. Sleep was pouring in. The faculty goes on speaking pouring out loads of information. I tried to listen with eyes closed. First, it went on well. Later, for a minute I found myself half way to sleep. With a jerk, I straightened myself and adjusted to a good careful posture of attention - keep the hand supporting the chin and eyes open to follow the info. What a revelation duration it was.... :)

A person who is teaching to a group of individuals is a teacher.
A teacher needs to be hundred percent active.
Must be ready with a bank of ideas of two hundred ways to catch the attention of the individuals of the group.
The ability to connect with the minds of all levels.

What a student needs...
is the patience to sit at one place for hours.
The limbs may shout thousand times yet the face should look attentive.
He may boast of the acting abilities of Oscar award winning category.
Feel bored yet look interesting at the person on the stage.
May feel like running away from the class, yet he has to stick to the place/chair in the class.

May feel sleepy yet try hard to keep the eyelids ope with a great difficulty.

What they do is..
Find a better position so that they wont be seen easily.
Support the chin with the cup of the hand, with eyes closed and keep a book in front of you, to make the onlooker admire your focused reading abilities.

How precious it is to feel sleepy
How natural it is to experience boredom
How good it is to sleep and the people who sleep are those Angels on earth in mortal forms.
Sleeping in the class is an art!
