Preview, Read, Recall

The title suggests three words. They look unrelated. The first word preview sounds familiar. It is formed with the help of the prefix - pre, means before. We all know that. We have so many other words that have this prefix.

So we can make its meaning and yes, you are right. Preview means to see it  before everybody sees it. And pat comes the movie previews that would be screened for the review pundits. Here I'm not discussing about movie previews, but the technique of reading.

Reading a book or reading an article of our favourite writer or the novel or any reading stuff. Reading as a skill has its techniques. The methods make it easy for us to read faster and remember longer.

This technique consists of three frames of action
First one - Preview
This includes what we do when we take a book into our hands. We check the front and back covers of the book. Read the details printed there. If that creates a curiosity to know more, we shuffle through the pages, read here and there, check for the content that interests us etc. All the parameters satisfied, then we take the book to the counter and make it ours by paying the cash.
If its a newspaper or web article, we look at the title first. If that creates interest, then we look at the content as a whole. We will try to find some cue words that connects the info in our mind. If that too is established, then we settle with the reading activity for the next ten minutes or so. 

If it is a piece of write up that we need to remember for the sake of examination, this preview includes other actions such as - how many pages does the answer consume, if its one page ok, if it exceeds to two or three, better go through the side headings, and make an estimation of time period it takes for you to study as a whole.

Second one is to Read
Now settled down to read, the words don't go easy on us. Some may sit tough. Our mind has no reference of it. Then take the help of a dictionary. Refer to it, and write its meaning over the word. Underline or highlight the spaces that contain important information. This action gives us the gist of the content when we get back to it for a quick reference. Read each word carefully. Understand its meaning. Try to visualise the content. This creates easy way for the short memory.

Lastly, it is to Recall
We recall the funny situations of the movies that we watched. We recall/hum the lyrics of our favourite songs. But study material contains no such entertainment. Yet it gets us the marks, the ranks and the pride. So we have to create our own occasions to recall the answers that are read. Discussing the topic with friends and explain to clear their doubts or ours is the only way to recall the content. This creates the permanent folder for it in the brain and we call it long term memory.

Have a happy session with your reading time folks!
Some more tricks in the coming posts.

-- noenglish

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