P for Puppies

Pets add life to the otherwise lukewarm routine. Their presence enriches with packs of affection and sessions of playful cheerfulness. I don't believe any person could have aversion to them. Unless an inborn allergy happens, a human being enjoys all the attention showered by them. Of all the animals kept as pets, dogs are the best friends for us. It is an accepted fact, no doubt.

Kurnool has added many memories to the days of childhood innocence.
The vast place around the house had many wonderful birds, plants and animals too. I discovered the third factor by accident. One evening, after returning from home all of a sudden a shrill voice of a puppy was heard. That was coming from the back side of the bougainvilla that grew near the living room window. A careful peep showed the presence of a small cute puppy searching frantically for its mother.

The tiredness of the school vanished, and I ran inside shouting I saw a puppy
All the sisters and mother came out to check if there was any clue about its mother. A bigger dog was lying with all its four puppies and this was the fifth one. What a wonderful way to find the addition to our family.

They became our regular play mates. The mother was a meek one with no fear for strangers. We used to take the puppies inside the home and play with childish curiosity. The mother seemed to be confident about its puppies safety. This went on for some months.

Every evening was a happy time to enjoy the bundles of squeaking puppies. We gave them names too. Fat puppy was the Bhim, Black and white spots one was my favourite, so I called it Kalajamun,   brown one was everyone's favourite. It had sparkling eyes and active too. The moment we enter home from school, they too would run towards us. That was the first time I experienced the joy of being wanted, showered with attention and affection.  One evening I could not find them. The garden was silent without their presence. Something bad seemed to creep into the air. I went on calling them and made rounds around the house.

There was a low level cement tank to hold water for the garden. A look towards it revealed it all. A shocking site of four puppies floating dead in the tank made me run blindly towards the house. Tears were running on the cheek. Words failed and I was gasping. Somehow I gathered courage to tell the fate of the little ones.

Their mother left our place and went to lead its life. Just one puppy survived out of those five. And that remained with us till we left the place. On the day of leaving the place, it even tried to jump into the vehicle and its eyes were pleading to take it too. That was the Last shot of pain, and I kept myself away from any kind of pets.

-- noenglish

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