Coke and Cancer

TODAY'S news feed shocked the readers with the terrifying headlines that Sonali Bendre has been diagnosed with a high grade cancer.

Sonali Bendre.... Her name is enough to trigger a period of nostalgic bonding with the girlish chirpy damsel onscreen.
She was as lovely as a rose bud.
She looked like a swinging jasmine creeper.
Her grace reflecting perfection, her beauty occupies the mind and heart.
Her presence lingers long after the visual treat called cinema. She's the golden doll.

Previously it's Irrfan Khan too declared his fight with cancer. His cancerous condition is named neuroendocrine tumour. This frequent occurrences made me think what this cancer means to a person?
Previously it used to be a selected strata of people with different life styles, such as alcoholics,  considered to be affected by cancer. But things are taking unexpected twists. 

'Cancer' in Greek means crab. The abnormal spreading mass of the tissue is called a tumour. Greek physician Hippocrates used the terms Carcinos and carcinoma to describe the health condition of the patients. He lived during 460-370 BC. He is also the "Father of Medicine".

 Benign Vs Malign
There are many types of cancers. Symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, pain, skin changes, continuous cough, fever etc could give a hint. But it is better to opt for specialised tests. Cancer has stage wise growth. This is further determined by biopsy. Bio means life. The tissue of the tumour is taken and tested to find cancerous cells. All tumours are not harmful. Only a few come under the disease category and they are called malign tumours. The harmless ones are named as benign tumours. 

What causes this...
No particular health conditions mentioned. The doctors has found that it is not possible to know the reason behind the development of cancerous cells in humans.  The modern food habits and life styles increased the presence of harmful chemicals in our surroundings. These work on our body and lead to the malfunctioning of the cells. Genetic reasons and increased consumption of alcohol - these two reasons are established. Many other factors too are involved in this.

Presence of chemicals in food items is another aspect. The bottles loads of coke and cola entering the bodies of youngsters. makes my mind calculations go wild. The youngsters celebrate the birthdays with cake and coke. Somebody got a job, and have cake and coke. A kid's birthday or a friend going abroad, or even a casual meeting with colleagues too demands the presence of htis horrible artificial health damaging liquid. How long are we to poison ourselves...
How many more cancers are to make home in our nature's best engineering mechanism - our body?
How long?
Better opt for better food habits and surroundings
Let us save ourselves so that the coming generations could be given a safe life.
-- noenglish

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