One word, One story

When I was staring at the whatsapp screen, checking how the friends been in and out of it, how often they did, these two words 'online', 'last seen' - caught my attention. Many a time I thought of their applicability then and now. They sounded mysterious and wonderful too.

A person last seen,
A criminal last seen
A dearest one last seen and lost for ever
The list goes on with endless applicabilities...
An idea of writing the many shades of the word occurred. So here is the first story on this word 'Last seen' 

 Story 1
Last Seen
Some persons are precious. Bonds make them important for us. It demands togetherness. One such demanding bond is the customary acceptance of a stranger into our life in the name of marriage. Faith is built out of ignorance. Yet life shortens the togetherness. Leaves us out in the open to face the world. Gap looms large and dilutes heart's empathy. Excuses take the place of hearty words. Bonding or binding - it speaks the terms of hypocrisy.
The child waiting at the gate could not understand her mother's tears. The newspaper in her hands is twisted between her trembling fingers. Father's photo and some words written below it left no clue for the innocent mind. The man in uniform is looking rude and impatient. "when was it that you saw him last? With whom was he talking on phone... To whom was he texting... What were the names he mentioned to you...
The questions never ended.
She didn't speak a word. If only she knew. If only she could have smelled it before anybody did. Faith blinded her. The last seen image of her husband flashed with a no return hint.

That sent shivers down her spine. The brief disappearances, the whispered conversations on phone, keeping her away from the belongings and lastly the hint in his choked voice "time has come for me to choose. I may not..." His hands loosened around her.
The voices around her question with a never ending curiosity. The grief loosen the grit.
Yet the faith in life let her gather herself and walk through the days. The little girl is her connecting chord between the world and her lost meaningless bond.
Last seen... Where... She never knew
May be never to be seen again... Yes.. She only knew. And would never forgive him.

-- noenglish

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