Children's Garden

We fear to take loans but languages are more generous than human beings. They loan each other generously and enrich lavishly.  In another way, it reflects the openness of the grammatical structure of the words of the language that could make the most out of them. This makes the language a living one. This is a better feature as one becomes extinct with limited vocabulary.

Loanwords are nothing new to English as a language. It continues to grow merging with words from other languages. Today let us take up loan words from Germany.

 The most commonly used word of admitting children for their first stint with reading and writing and even getting accustomed to school schedule starts with the playschool. Such schools look beautiful with colored animals, trees and alphabet drawn on the walls. The small chairs, tables and the kids with innocent eyes paint a picture of mini garden. Lower Kindergarten is the expanded form of LKG. Upper Kindergarten is for UKG. Kindergarten literally means "children's garden" in German language.

We have various types of formal dances. Waltz is one such dance form. This word is also applied to the music that is played during those dances.

Some more German..

Rucksack means a backpack ( Rucken means back, and sack means bag)

poltergeist means a ghost who reveals its existence through making noises and throwing objects

zeitgeist defines the mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs 

dachshund defines a dog's breed with very short legged and long bodied

blitzkrieg an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.

Finally one interesting fact to end the post
German Shepherds are the world famous german dogs, previously known as Alsatian dogs in Britain, Italy and even in Indian homes. They are the second most popular dog breed opted by the dog lovers. They were originally developed for herding the sheep. Hence the name German Shepherds. 

-- noenglish

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