Notes 7 Module 4 Reading skills

1. Define reading skills.

Definition: Reading is a method of communication that enables a person to turn writing into meaning. It allows the reader to convert a written text as a meaningful language with independence, comprehension and fluency, and to interact with the message.

2. What is poor reading skill?

There are a variety of reasons why a reader may have difficulty deriving meaning and gaining understanding from a passage. The reasons include decoding deficiency, attention deficit, poor vocabulary, and limited knowledge base. Here are some of the reasons for poor reading.

  1.Decoding Deficiency

There are a variety of reasons why a reader may have difficulty deriving meaning and gaining understanding from a passage. The reasons include but are not limited to decoding deficiency, attention deficit, poor vocabulary, and limited knowledge base.
2.Attention Deficit

Another reason for difficulty in reading comprehension is an attention deficit which, when officially diagnosed, is referred to as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

  3.Poor Vocabulary

The third cause of weak reading comprehension is insufficient vocabulary. No matter how skillful a person is at sounding out words, if he or she does not know the meaning of the words he or she is reading, he will not gain understanding from the text.

3. Write about the techniques of reading?

Reading is a great habit that can change human life significantly. The ability to read is as important today as it ever was. It can entertain us; amuse us and enrich us with knowledge and experiences narrated.

There exist some reading techniques, which if mastered at a growing stage can help us, be better and far more comprehensive readers.

The four main types of reading techniques are the following:
•        Skimming
•        Scanning
•        Intensive
•        Extensive

4.Define skimming.

 Answer in page no 74

5. Define scanning.

 Answer in page no 75

6. Define intensive reading.
 Answer in page no 75

7. Define extensive reading
 Answer in page no 75

8. What is active reading skill?

Active reading aims to get an in-depth understanding of the text. Under this technique, the reader actively involved with the text while reading it.

Getting in depth knowledge on the text at hand is not possible by reading to skim through or scan through the text. This technique of Structure-Proposition-Evaluation. This is an interesting reading technique suggested by Mortimer Adler in his book How to Read a Book. This reading technique is mainly applicable to non-fiction writing. This technique suggests reading as per the three following patterns: Studying the structure of the work; Studying the logical propositions made and organized into chains of inference;  Evaluation of the merits of the arguments and conclusions.

9.What is reading comprehension?

Definition: Reading comprehension is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during and after a person reads a particular piece of writing.

Reading comprehension is one of the pillars of the act of reading. When a person reads a text he engages in a complex array of cognitive processes. He is simultaneously using his awareness and understanding of phonemes (individual sound “pieces” in language), phonics (connection between letters and sounds and the relationship between sounds, letters and words) and ability to comprehend or construct meaning from the text.

10. What is literal comprehension reading?

Types of Reading comprehension

1.  Literal

Literal comprehension involves what the author is actually saying. The reader needs to understand ideas and information explicitly stated in the reading material. Some of this information is in the form of recognizing and recalling facts, identifying the main idea, supporting details, categorizing, outlining, and summarizing. The reader is also locating information, using context clues to supply meaning, following specific directions, following a sequence, identifying stated conclusion, and identifying explicitly stated relationships and organizational patterns. These organizational patterns can include cause and effect as well as comparison and contrast.

11. Which technique was suggested by Mortimer Adler?


Getting in depth knowledge on the text at hand is not possible by reading to skim through or scan through the text. This technique of Structure-Proposition-Evaluation. This is an interesting reading technique suggested by Mortimer Adler in his book How to Read a Book. This reading technique is mainly applicable to non-fiction writing. This technique suggests reading as per the three following patterns: Studying the structure of the work; Studying the logical propositions made and organized into chains of inference;  Evaluation of the merits of the arguments and conclusions.

12. What are the three steps involved in reading your text more efficiently?

How to Read Your Textbook More Efficiently
PREVIEW - READ - RECALL at first glance seems to be an intricate and time consuming process. However, it gets easier and faster with practice, ensures thorough learning and facilitates later "re-learning" when you revise for exams.

13.Briefly discuss about the significance of detailed reading.

This technique is used for extracting information accurately from the whole text. Under this technique, we read every word for understanding the meaning of the text.
In this careful reading, we can skim the text first for getting a general idea and then go back to read in detail. We can use a dictionary to find the meaning of every unfamiliar word.

14. What are the strategies of speed reading?

Speed-reading is actually a combination of various reading methods. The aim of speed-reading is basically to increase the reading speed without compromising the understanding of the text reading. Some of the strategies used in speed reading are as follows:

·        Identifying words without focusing on each letter

·        Not to sounding-out all words

·        Not sub vocalizing some phrases

·        Spending less time on some phrases than others

a.       Skimming small sections.
Reading is the basic foundation on which academic skills of individuals are built. As we know the paramount importance of reading, it is given the top priority in primary education.
Many believe that reading is a true measure of a person’s success in academics. Most of the subjects taught to us are based on a simple concept – read, understand, analyze, synthesize, and get information.

15. What is inferential comprehension reading?
 Inferential comprehension deals with what the author means by what is said. The reader must simply read between the lines and make inferences about things not directly stated. Again these inferences are made in the main idea, supporting details, sequence, and cause and effect relationships. Inferential comprehension could also involve interpreting figurative language, drawing conclusions, predicting outcomes, determining the mood, and judging the author’s point of view. The following questions are usually asked:
What is the theme?

What effect does this character/event have on the story?

How do you think this story will end?

16. What is critical comprehension?

Critical comprehension concerns itself with why the author says what he or she says. This high level of comprehension requires the reader to use some external criteria from his/her own experience in order to evaluate the quality, values of the writing, the author’s reasoning, simplifications, and generalizations. The reader will react emotionally and intellectually with the material. Because everyone's life experiences are varied, answers to some of the following questions will vary:

Could this possibly happen?

Is this argument logical?

What alternatives are there?

17. Define the tree diagram in reading comprehension.

A Tree Diagram is a way of visually representing hierarchy in a tree-like structure. Typically the structure of a Tree Diagram consists of elements such as a root node, a member that has no superior/parent. Then there are the nodes, which are linked together with line connections called branches that represent the relationships and connections between the members.

 Tree Diagrams are often used:

1.            To show family relations and descent.

2.            In taxonomy, the practice and science of classification.

3.            In evolutionary science, to show the origin of species.

4.            In computer science and mathematics.

In businesses and organisations for managerial purposes

18. Discuss about the technique of the Structure-Proposition-Evaluation.
Active reading aims to get an in-depth understanding of the text. Under this technique, the reader actively involved with the text while reading it.

Getting in depth knowledge on the text at hand is not possible by reading to skim through or scan through the text. This is the technique of Structure-Proposition-Evaluation. This is an interesting reading technique suggested by Mortimer Adler in his book How to Read a Book. This reading technique is mainly applicable to non-fiction writing. This technique suggests reading as per the three following patterns: Studying the structure of the work; Studying the logical propositions made and organized into chains of inference;  Evaluation of the merits of the arguments and conclusions

19. State four reasons for poor reading comprehension.

There are a variety of reasons why a reader may have difficulty deriving meaning and gaining understanding from a passage. The reasons include decoding deficiency, attention deficit, poor vocabulary, and limited knowledge base.

  1.Decoding Deficiency

There are a variety of reasons why a reader may have difficulty deriving meaning and gaining understanding from a passage. The reasons include but are not limited to decoding deficiency, attention deficit, poor vocabulary, and limited knowledge base.

2.Attention Deficit

Another reason for difficulty in reading comprehension is an attention deficit which, when officially diagnosed, is referred to as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

  3.Poor Vocabulary

The third cause of weak reading comprehension is insufficient vocabulary. No matter how skillful a person is at sounding out words, if he or she does not know the meaning of the words he or she is reading, he will not gain understanding from the text.

  4.Lack of Knowledge Base

The final cause of ineffectual reading comprehension to be discussed here is lack of knowledge base. This refers to how much knowledge a reader has about the subject of which he or she is reading. It actually goes hand-in-hand with vocabulary. If the reader knows little about the subject he is reading, he will find it more difficult to comprehend the material than someone who has some knowledge about the subject.

To sum, causes of poor reading comprehension can be varied and complex.

20. List the features of inferential comprehension.

Inferential comprehension deals with what the author means by what is said. The reader must simply read between the lines and make inferences about things not directly stated. Again these inferences are made in the main idea, supporting details, sequence, and cause and effect relationships. Inferential comprehension could also involve interpreting figurative language, drawing conclusions, predicting outcomes, determining the mood, and judging the author’s point of view. The following questions are usually asked:

What is the theme?

What effect does this character/event have on the story?

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