Notes 6 Module 3 Grammar

10. Write a short note on prepositions of time. 
Definition: A preposition is a word placed before an noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by  it stands in regard to something else. The word preposition means ‘that which is placed before’. The noun or pronoun which is used with a preposition is called its Object.
 Preposition of Time: After, at, in, on, during, since, through, throughout, towards, from, during, into,
1) At – is used to indicate a definite point of time: For eg., He came at 8 o’clock, I shall tell him the fact at the right time.
2)In – is used to indicate year, century, morning, evening, time period (in years, hours, days, months) seasons etc as: for eg., I get up early in the morning. It shall be completed in four hours/months.
3)On – is used in expressing days and dates, as For e.g. My school shall reopen on Monday India was declared independent on 15th August1947.
4)From and To–  From is used to indicate the beginning of an action, and to indicate the time when the action ends. For eg., The Diwali vacation is From 15th October to 22nd October 2005.

11. Define Phrase. Mention the types of phrases used in sentences.
A phrase is a related group of words. The words work together as a "unit," but they do not have a subject and a verb.
Examples of Phrases and Clauses:
Examples of Phrases 1.  the boy on the bus (noun phrase)
 2.  will be running (verb phrase)
3.  in the kitchen (prepositional phrase)
4.  very quickly (adverb phrase)
5.  Martha and Jan (noun phrase)


12. Write a short note on modifiers.

Definition: Modifier is a word or phrase that is used with another word or phrase to limit or add to its meaning:

Purpose of Modifiers A modifier adds detail or limits or changes the meaning of another word or phrase. 

The following are the examples 1. Happy 2. Pretty 3. Silly 4. Crazy 5. Hopeful 

1. Adjective Modifiers: Adjectives typically go before the words they are modifying, or after with helping verbs. 
For example: 1. The pretty girl
2. The girl was pretty. In the first example, pretty is an adjective modifying the noun girl. In the second example, was is a helping verb and pretty is again an adjective modifying girl.

2. Adverbial Modifiers: Adverbs can go before or after the thing they are modifying, depending on what exactly is it they are modifying. 

For example:  1. The very pretty girl 
2. He ran quickly In the first example, the adverb very is modifying the adjective pretty which is modifying the noun girl. In the second example, the adverb quickly is modifying the verb ran.

13. Mention different types of articles with suitable examples.

Article is a word which points out at a person, thing or place spoken of. Thus article refers to the noun. There are two Articles - a / an and the A or an is called the Indefinite Article, as it leaves indefinite the person or thing spoken of as: A doctor, A school, A man, A woman - here a points out any doctor, any school or any man or woman. 
The is called the Definite Article, as it normally points out some particular person or thing as : He saw the doctor - where the points out some particular doctor. The indefinite article is used before singular countable nouns e.g. A book, An orange, A girl The definite article is used before singular countable nouns, plural countable and uncountable nouns, for eg. The book, the books, the milk .

14. Define compound sentence?

A compound sentence has two independent clauses joined by a linking word (and, but, or, so, yet, however). Each independent clause could be a sentence by itself, but we connect them with a linking word: 
* I‘m happy, but my kids are always complaining. 
* Robert doesn’t eat meat, so Barbara made a special vegetarian dish for him. 
* My brother and I went to the mall last night, but we didn’t buy anything. 
* This new laptop computer has already crashed twice, and I have no idea why. 
Note that each sentence has TWO subjects and TWO verb phrases.

15. Define subject verb agreement. Give any two examples.

Definition:Subject and verb must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural).  Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural. This is grammatically named as Concord or Subject verb agreement.
A verb agrees with its subject in number. Singular subjects take singular verbs:    
eg: The car stays in the garage.   (subject is singular in mumber)                    
eg:The flowers are very beautiful. (subject here is plural in number) 
There is an old saying: “Opposites attract.” The rule for singular and plural verbs is just the opposite of the rule for singular and plural nouns. Remember this when you match subjects and verbs. You might guess that stays and smells are plural verbs because they end in s. They aren’t. Both stays and smells are singular verbs. 

16. Mention any three rules related to the subject and verb agreement.

Definition:Subject and verb must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural).  Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural. This is grammatically named as Concord or Subject verb agreement. 

Rule1:The number of the subject (singular or plural) is not changed by words that come between the subject and the verb.  One of the eggs is broken. Of the eggs is a prepositional phrase. The subject one and the verb is are both singular. Mentally omit the prepositional phrase to make the subject verb-agreement easier to make. 

Rule2: Some subjects always take a singular verb even though the meaning may seem plural.   
eg: 1. Someone in the game was (not were) hurt. 

Rule3: The following words may be singular or plural, depending upon their use in a sentence, some, any, all, most.                       
eg: Most of the news is good. (singular)                      
Most of the flowers were yellow. (plural)               
All of the pizza was gone. (singular)              
All of the children were late. (plural)

17. Mention any six punctuation marks along with the rules of their use.

Defintion: Punctuation can be defined as the marks, such as full stop, comma, and brackets, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning. 
The comma is considered a real villain among marks of punctuation. Wrong placement of comma can give different meaning to sentence depending upon where it is placed. 
Consider following sentences: • Let us eat, daddy.  • Let us eat daddy. 

1. Full stop 2. Comma 3. Semicolon 4. Colon 5. Apostrophe 6. Hyphen
(refer to the page number 58 and 59 for their explanation) 

18. Define modifiers and give examples.

Definition: Modifiers usually have to accompany the thing they are modifying or go as close to it as possible.

1. Adjective Modifiers Adjectives typically go before the words they are modifying, or after with helping verbs. For example:  The pretty girl  The girl was pretty. In the first example, pretty is an adjective modifying the noun girl. In the second example, was is a helping verb and pretty is again an adjective modifying girl. 
2. Adverbial Modifiers Adverbs can go before or after the thing they are modifying, depending on what exactly is it they are modifying.  For example: 1. The very pretty girl
2. He ran quickly


19.Write a short note on indefinite articles.

Article is a word which points out at a person, thing or place spoken of. Thus article refers to the noun. There are two types of Articles - a / an and the A or an is called the Indefinite Article, as it leaves indefinite the person or thing spoken of as: A doctor, A school, A man, A woman - here a points out any doctor, any school or any man or woman. 
USE OF THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE 1. In its original numerical sense of one: For e.g. Twelve inches make a foot. Not a word was said 2. In a vague sense of a certain For e.g. One evening a beggar came to my door 3. In the sense of any, to single out an individual as the representative of a class: for eg., A pupil should obey his teacher A cow is a useful animal 


20. Write any three rules related to the usage of the definite article.

Article is a word which points out at a person, thing or place spoken of. Thus article refers to the noun. 
Rules related to the usage of the definite article
1. When a singular noun is meant to represent a whole class for eg. The cow is a useful animal, The rose is the sweetest of all flowers
2. before some proper names: For e.g., oceans and seas: the Pacific, the black sea rivers: the Ganga, the Nile
3. Before the names of certain books: For e.g., The Vedas, the Puranas, the Ramayana
4. before names of things unique of their kind; as for e.g. the sun, the sky, the earth

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