1      1. CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning Lab

2.      2. ICS - InteractiveCcommunication skills Lab

3.     3. What is meant by Phonetics

4.     4.  Define phonemes

5.      5. Define consosnats

6.      6. Define vowels

7.      7. Define affricates

8.      8. plosives

9.      9. Define labials

1        10. Define dentals

111.  Define monophthongs

112.  Define diphthongs

113.  Explain consonant cluster with an example

114.  Explain gliding of the vowels

115.  Define intonation

116.  Explain the types of intonation with examples

117.  Define syllables

118.  Mention the techniques to count syllables in a word and explain

119.  Explain the details to be included in self introduction

220.  Explain the do’s and don’ts of JAM session

221.  Explain the elements of body language

222.  Explain the main aspects of facial expressions

223.  Explain the importance of posture

224.  Explain the significance of shaking hands in body language

225.  Explain the care to be taken regarding the gestures during a presentation.

226.  Mention the details to be included while describing a person.

227.  What details should be mentioned while describing a place.

228.  What features take prominence while describing a thing.

229.  What are the vocabulary clues that are used while giving directions.

330.  How do you write a caption

331.  What are the main things to focus while writing the review of a film.

332.  Define thinking skills

333.  Mention the stages of thinking.

334.  How proverbs are different from idioms.

Activity oriented questions

1. Introduce yourself

2. Introduce your friend

3. Introduce others

4. Make a scene of asking your friend to collect the details of presentation.

5. Enact the scene of discussion with your friends regarding the preparation for the semester end examination.

6. How do you convince a stranger to help you take your bike that ran out of fuel in the midst of a busy road o the nearby petrol bunk.

7. Describe the personality of your favourite political leader, actor, character or any person of your choice.

8. Describe the place where you live or your favourite city, town or village

9. Describe the things such as a painting, monument, a desktop, a mobile etc

10. Any topic for group discussion - such as
Indian education system
Natural food vs junk food
The Faster you go, the sooner you retire.
Rome is not built in one day.

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