Today noenglish reached its 2000 views

 Thanks to all dears for making this blog complete its 2000 views. As I look back from the day I started this blog on June 1, 2018, learned the art of writing anew each day. It expanded my view about me inwardly and at the world too. My hearty thanks to all!
 IT was just that thought of relieving myself of the thoughts that disturb me  suggested to start writing as a diary. But on a second thought I told myself why not a blog. It would record my thoughts, ideas and experiences. Teaching is my identity. Every thought starts with it and surrounds it.
It has taught me many things. Made me a learner before I think about commanding my lads.
To have patience before I lose it.
To empathise before I punish them
To make a mind plan before I take up the activity.
I grow with each batch of students - learning and unlearning it. 
It was way back on 1st October, 2001, started my innings.
The first ever demo of the class I taught was Sarojini Naidu's poem.
Young, innocent, clever, naughty, curious  students staring at me. Some are ready to give me a cue or two back to take for. I sensed the intention from their faces. Automatically a smile came on my lips. I'm, suddenly, at ease. I told myself, yes they are listening. They liked it, yet they want to show a bit of themselves. Relax. Now its the time to prove. 

I gave a long stare towards them and said "As students you had been through ten years of English. Now without a second thought tell me which part of speech is - IS"

Their eyes gave a look as though commenting - is this a question worthy to test our acumen...
My lips smiled again. I said,"I'm new to the profession. Take your liberty. Give the answer without a second thought. You have every right to make a mistake."

I continued with the girls, one by one, the answers poured in.
"This is the time to tighten the grip. And prove my point." 
I found the way to show I'm THE teacher. 
Took each one to task. Had an elated arguments why it is a preposition
It comes before a noun ma'am. 
Give me an example,
He is a doctor. See it came before the noun.
Wow...good... I said. 

Why it is an adverb.
How can it be a pronoun or an adjective. For these too their point of view followed. I learned how differently we can view things.
:) :) :)  
Then I asked them one more question
What is the past tense form of IS
All at once the answer uttered - WAS

Now tell me which part of sentence is -IS
NO need for the answer... They identified their mistake.   :)  :) 
All the class gave broad grin. 
Once they smiled means I'm in as a faculty. 
Its my first practical lesson of body language. 

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