Body Language - fact or fiction

Let us take look upon the other part of our body language. Body language, in general, shows the natural responses. They originate in the mind and spread to the various body parts according to the connectivity. When we are happy our lips relax a bit, eyes carry the smile as well, and the neck stays straight. 
When we feel the sadness, the eyes carry the seriousness of the thoughts, lips tighten, the chin stays slant. Extending further hands too come into the scene and cup the cheek in the hand as though supporting the neck as it could not offer any support. Observe the occasions carefully, when you had come across such postures in the recent past.

Previously we discussed about the details of facial expressions. Eye contact is the most effective tool of the face talk. Individuals may train themselves to hide their intentions and look good on face. They successfully control their facial expressions. Their eyes look bright and confident. They might be dying of fear inside. How to transfer the fear and where?

Observe carefully. And remember there are other parts of the body that are moveable. The hands and the legs. The inner fear is transferred to either the hand movements or fixing the legs. The hands positions are called Gestures. Postures are the placement of legs that reflect the shades of thinking of a person. 

Observe the above pic carefully and every day count the occurrences when you come across these postures and gestures. The interest towards humans and keen observation of their body movements is hte only way to learn the rights and wrongs of body language. 

The psychology of a person is reflected through these cues of the body. We could control our hasty gestures and postures and even the facial expressions with a few self taught sessions. Learn slow and apply with patience. We are sure to understand ourselves and others too with a good base of information. 

Some more facts about postures and gestures in tomorrow's post. Stay tuned dears!

-- noenglish

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