Sleep like a fish

In our body face is the most prominent one. It has many parts that actively take part in communication.
The forehead frowns.
The eyes sparkle.
The lips smile
And even we tilt our head towards whom we like, wish to make friendship or even enjoy the gossips.

All these movements of parts of our head made it a prominent part to speak without language.
Eyes are the best part that contributed words such as look, stare, glance, peep etc.
Each one has a different impact and different level of activity to reflect our mind.
Look is a casual activity
Stare is a fixed look towards an object of attention
Glance is a quick look
And peep is the secretive observation done through a creak of a window or a hole
We have this naughty activty - wink
Eyes have their nature as well.
We have twinkling eyes, watery eyes, sleepy eyes, hooded eyes, protruding eyes, upturned eyes, down turned eyes, close set eyes and wide set eyes.

Blue eyed persons are considered to be more glamorous. Some have them naturally and some go for a lense artificially. Green eyed monster - the emotion called jealousy is prevalent in both men and women. When they turn yellowish,  undoubtedly they are affected by jaundice.

Eyes are the most sensitive parts of our body. We stare continuously at our mobiles or desktops. They develop troubles such as dry eyes or red eyes. These are to be treated with proper medical care. 

Eyes also give away hints of stress, happiness or unhappiness. We may smile with lips, but it is the eyes that tell the truth whether you are really happy or not.
Lastly, one fact that is stranger than a fiction. Fish stays in water. And it is the only creature that sleeps with an open eye. Why because it has no free moving eye lids or eye lashes.  How logical is nature!

-- noenglish,

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