Bring Your Brain!

Which organ of our body do we use for thinking? Of course, pat comes the answer BRAIN. We are sure that it is the crowning glory of our physical appearance. This is the Grey matter that controls us invisibly and makes us execute the gimmicks of the rights and wrongs of our actions.
Then what is meant by this term/noun MIND?
Where is it located?
How much of this term is used in vocabulary?
Think... Think  :)
Thinking happened long ago even before we learned the word think.
Who forms the INK of our thoughts.
Writes our actions on the wall of time - present, past or even future?
Why should we bother at all to think about thinking? :)

Because we need thinking and its procedure. Understanding it makes learning the words easy and communication easier. Similar to the Oxygen in the air, water for our thirst, thinking is inseparable from being a human. And forms the basic layer of communication. Here comes the most important organ of our body BRAIN. So far no scientist is able to make a machine that equals or over takes the functions of it. Science is still awe inspired by its perfect mechanism.

Lets ponder over Brain for a while.
Let's get back to our forgotten Brain.
Make a list of words that include brain...
Brain storming is my favourite one to start with.
We sit together, talk and talk, argue with each other and all brains work together with a vengeance to prove whose brain has provided the best solution.
As I mentioned in the previous post, brain and mind are the two confused identities that people are prone to take one for the other. This confuses with our vocabulary and methods of communication. It makes issues clearer if we deal with each term separately.

Let's check on how much of the "brain" is consumed in words.

There are many idioms that include brain to focus on the tinkling use of vocabulary.

Thinking obsessively about something is expressed as getting it on the brain
To pick someone's brain is to  communicate the understanding of the ideas of others.

A "brainteaser" is a puzzle.

Someone who has a reserve of commonsense is called "person with brains"
"He got plenty of brains." - means to show the higher level of the intelligence of the person mentioned. 

The person who runs some activity/entreprenure is said to be the brain behind it.

Brain co-relates both life and death emotions. Here are the examples

Many of us think that a person is declared dead when the heart stops beating or the lungs stop breathing. But the hospitals have machines to support the patients in those situations. But once brain stops functioning nothing can save them. In general medical terms they are declared brain dead. So sad to hear such words.

But there is a contrasting term too.

When we create something or some establishment or a business we call it our brain child.

Words are so sentimental, aren't they? That's why I love this smaller frames that build a canvass of our thoughts into an admirable speech.

Here is some Food for thought

Brain is originally a noun, but also used as a verb in the phrase "to brain," to injure or kill someone by hitting hard on their head. I'm yet to find the usage of this in content either online or offline.

As a noun the word Brain relates to that part of the Central nervous system that consists of all the higher nervous centers; protected by the hard surface named skull; continues the connectivity with the safely procured spinal cord to control the physical functions of the body.

To keep the most sensible part of our body, always remember to consume/eat WALNUTS. They have the omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen the brain and make it work fast. They ensure the smooth working of our nervous system and bless us with great memory power.

Watch it close, those brown folded skin of the walnuts.
Doesn't it look similar to the folds of brain? :)

Let the topic rest its brains to catch up with the MinD tomorrow.
Drink loads of water and let the brain enjoy its loads of oxygen from the amalgam of our body i.e blood. Catch up with the words in my next post.

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