
We had been through the journey of words. Brain, Mind and an attempt to understand the mechanism called Thinking. We need words to communicate. We learn new words faster during childhood. The child wants to compete with the world around. Looking at the rapid word flow of the elders, the child listens, remembers and practices them without fail. The joy of listening to a child is the best when they narrate stories or the rhymes or tidbits of their adventures.

Let's Enter the World of Vocabulary
Vocabulary in general means all those words known and used by an individual. Words are made and Languages are born.
Words are made in many ways. Many methods are there and the words thus formed are categorised accordingly. 
Here we discuss the first one Root Words. 
The word Vocabulary is formed from the Latine word Vocabulum (refers to the formation rather thn meaning),
In Latin the word "cred" means to believe. So we have the words - Credibility 
Credit - to give our acceptance to someone's invention or 
The credit card from the banks 
In Greek language "phone" means word
So we have the word Phonetics which means a branch of study of sounds in English. 
A Megaphone that we see in the hands of director who shouts "Action" and alerts the team to start the show of emotions. 

Prefixes like un-, dis-, re-, de-
Like - Unlike ( it means not similar and doesn't mean the facebookish unlike :))
Appear - Disappear (Here it formed the antonym.)
Report, Revision - such words add or change the meaning of the root word port and vision. 
Suffixes such as  -ment, -tion, -sion
appoint (verb) changed into a noun appointment
combine (verb) changed into a noun combination
conclude (verb) changed into a noun again - conclusion
So the formation of words changes not only the form but also the nature of the word from verb to noun. We need many words to serve the purpose of making others understand our point of view. So be ready to plunge into the world of Vocabulary dears!

Let's take a break from the dense world of words to refresh in some ideas, and here is a tailored nest of words to prove that we can stich our own garb of communication. Here I have taken the situation of students,exams and a third eye of a narrator. Literature is nothing but a nest of woven words around emotions. Choose your nest, pick the grass of emotions and weave the best!


The halls are empty
The corridors clutter
 The tense teens fumble
For the numbers on the notice boards

The faces bear a nowhere look
The tools ready in the boxes to track
Pen, pencil, eraser gathered in the pouches
Tease the teens in secret!

The pride of finding the bench
Settle to smile at your neighbour
Respond with a lame vacuumed stare
Share your fortnight fear.

All Day is an Appointment with Alphabet
Some shrewd
Some crude
and rude too..

You and me call it
A Question Paper!
Bold letters of choice listed laugh at you
Generosity aplenty dear! 

There pops up an innocent sheet
white as snow!
You guessed it right
It’s the Answer Sheet.

A year's out pour
in three hours shrugs
Shrinks further for the score
till the bell strikes!

Bundled wisdom
Perched on the benches
The sages of teaching
Sanctify the alphabet
With a kind mark of red

All is not well under the roof
Eyes merged with fingered pain
The aching back troubles
The numerals tough to decide
One, or two, or three.
Or eight or nine or even a zero
Hail the decision maker!

There goes an empty bunch
of a mind speaking nothing in ink.
Here smiles a level headed script
With a wink in ink
Stands tall for a ninety!

They gather the brainstorm
Pick up the pen
and decide on
adding a NINE or a ONE!

There lay the minds of unseen innocents
Confident to receive the labels
First Class, Second Class or The Third
but praying not to be a failure!

The lamb named "student"
Anxious to search the print
The two figured outcome
is your brain-o-meter measured

Hail the Ruthless Judges!
Glory to the Education!
Both on a mission to
Vanish the Wisdom Possible!

by Jayashree Naidu


  1. Wow Jaya.. .A walk thro of language with perfect introduction using simple words, the monotony broken with a scenario of student learning testing and evaluation being depicted through poetry. Words Beautifully hugged and cajoled... . Enjoyed reading with ease n interest... .keep blogging.. .mote n more

    1. Thank you Prash
      It has been a pleasure to teach communication skills.
      The content here is what I made easy on my mind since last three months.
      Communicating through writing is not easy, yes, need to tread carefully keeping the readers on mind.
