Is it - he says or he speaks
Is it - he said or he told
Is it - I return it back to you
Is it - They entered into the room
Is it - a cousine brother, cousin sister or just a cousin
Is it - did you see or did you saw...
Decide and be ready with your answers.

Let's check the reality
* He says - is a casual mention of the words spoken
He speaks - is less informal and is contextual almost equal to "He says"

* He said or he told
He said - relates to the information related to the past. A casual utterance or a statement.
He told - relates to a particular piece of information with a a tone of definiteness
Here too the same synonymous contextual equality.
( the subject he could be replaced with I, we, you, they, she)

*** the best Indian expression - return back-
I'll return it back to you - is one of the best examples for the mother tongue influence. In our Indian ways of expression, this pattern of expression occurs frequently.
But for the speaking skills in English the right one is  - I'll return it to you.
That's it. As simple as the word - return :) But no return backs :)

*** Another blunder that's related to the mother tongue influence - enter into a room or hall or house is absolutely wrong. Enter - the word itself completes the action of moving into some thing or place.
They entered the house.
She will enter it, don't worry.

*** Cousins in reality mean the children of one's uncle or aunt. Here there should not be any suffix such as brother or sister. She's my cousin or He's my cousin. That helps the clarity regarding the gender. 

The list is endless. But for today let end it her.
Mother tongue - that is the first recorded vocabulary for any child under the sky is the mind's slate dotted with the sets of expressions. It is very hard to overcome its impact. Moreover, the native expressions of each language differ in the framing of the sentences. Fluency related to the language depends on understanding these minute specific expressions and use them accordingly.



Your pen speaks too

Handwriting is a neuro-sensory exercise. Some hold the pen in a slant position and some in a straight manner. Some others hold it strangely as though three fingers are in conference with the pen.
 so it’s important to choose the pen types that fit your writing style and needs. Stylizing your handwritten notes gives you a chance to further analyze and organize thoughts and ideas to make note taking more efficient and personalized.

The benefits of handwriting don’t stop at more efficient and effective note taking – handwriting also allows us to take a deeper look at our personality. Now that you know more about handwriting vs. typing, see what your handwriting says about you!

What your pen reveals about you:

If you use a Ball pen: You are a person who gets to work first. Ready to work with what is at hand. Ball pens are easily replaceable. This supports the fact that the person is "A bit forgetful as well and is very well aware of the fact too".

Roller Ball pens: You are ready to take options but not ready to adjust in the matters of reliability.

Marker Pens: If marker pen includes in your stationary, you are a person of choosy nature and feel pride about your remarkable intelligence. And possess the patience to be highlighted according to the place and time.

Gel Pens: You are ready to make bold and artistic statement.

Stylus: YOu are a techie but understand the importance of hand written content.

A simple Tip: Occasionally practicing to write with left hand helps in activating memory related parts of our brain.



The hand written tasks are decreasing day by day. We are into texting messages or typing emails rather than posting letters. Reading books is near to extinction. In this scenario definitely we need to stop and look back. Take a breath and think a bit about writing.

Writing means to gather our thoughts, give them the form of understandable sentences and then transfer them on to the paper or even typing the keyboard (as I'm writing now :) Though typing equals writing electronically, my focus is on writing by hand. As we learned to write, the hold between the thumb and the other fingers of the hand to fix the pencil or pen in the position to write determined the grace of the handwriting of a person.

What happens when we write with hand?
IT connects a person with the words that flow from the mind to the hand. This creates a feel of commitment. To be precise - scientifically, the connectivity and the flow of thoughts into words create a memory path in the nerves. This helps in the retaining most of the information shared or noted. This allows the brain to focus on the data and understand it better.
If we are taking notes, there will be lesser chances of confusion in finding important points of the information.

The process of hand writing creates a mental picture of the information in the writer. In a way, it helps in increased levels of imagination/visualisation.

Some more scientific revelations:
* Writing can actually calm our brain down. This makes it a perfect winding-down activity at night. May be writing in the diary suits us more now!
* Practicing brain-flexing tasks like writing by hand can help keep our minds sharp. What about filling the quiz in the news papers?
* Writing by hand, particularly in cursive, is rhythmic, so it helps your erratic thoughts get in a calming flow. Why not go for a copy writing book now :)
* Writing by hand that are more artistic than typing because each person’s handwriting is completely their own. Yes and the old school note books still hold that nostalgic innocence fragrance in them and we love to preserve them as our memorabilia.

Once you enter the job arena, all work is mechanised. NOWHERE we find a way to use pen and paper, except signatures on cheques or payrolls. What to do then? May be we should find time and create the opportunity to use pen and paper!

:)  :)
The teacher to a student: Conjugate the verb "to walk" in simple present.
The student: I walk. You walk ....
The teacher intruptes him: Quicker please.
The student: I run. You run ...
:)  :)