Notes 5 Module 3 Vocabulary

Module 3
Notes 5
Questions and Answers 1-10
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1. Mention any four methods of word formation.
There are a number of methods of word formation.
1. Derivation: Derivation in general means the formation of a word from another word or base and the relation of a word to its base or root.
2. Compounding: It means a word that consists of more than one stem. Compounding occurs when two or more words are joined to make one longer word. The component stems of a compound may be of the same part of speech—as in the case of the English word footpath, composed of the two nouns foot and path. They may belong to different parts of speech, as in the case of the English word blackbird, composed of the adjective black and the noun bird.
3. Blending: a blend word is one formed from parts of two or more other words. These parts are called morphemes (the smallest grammatical unit in a language).
cat + -s = the two morpheme units.
Most blends are formed by one of the following methods:
The end of one word is appended to the beginning of the other
smoke (1) + fog (1) → smog (1)
4. Acronyms: An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial components in a phrase or a word, usually individual letters (as in NATO or laser) and sometimes syllables.
Acronyms are pronounced as a word, containing only initial letters
 NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
 GIF: Graphics Interchange Format
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2. Write a few lines on ‘root words’ in English.
A root is the basic unit of a word. It is the form of a word after all affixes are removed.  It's what's left after you remove all the affixes — the prefixes like "un-" or "anti-" and suffixes such as "-able" and "-tion."  There are many root words that can be used on their own or as parts of other common words in the English language. These are also referred to as base words.
Act  - means to move or do. Acting
Ego - mean "I". Egotist
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3. Mention any six root words taken from foreign languages.
Root Words from foreign languages
Here are some more examples of roots, their meanings and other words that are formed by adding prefixes and/or suffixes to these language building blocks:
1.Ambul - means move or walk. Amble, ambulant, ambulate
2.Auto - means self or same. Autocrat, automatic
3.Bene - means good. Benefactor, benevolent
4.Cardio - means heart. Cardiovascular, cardiology
5.Cede - means go, yield. Intercede, recede, concede
6.Counter - means against or opposite. Counteract, counterpoint, counterargument
7.Dem - means people. Democracy, democrat, demographic
8.Derm - means skin. Dermatology, epidermis
9.Equi - means equal. Equity, equilateral, equidistant
10.Hypno - means sleep. Hypnosis, hypnotic
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4. Write any three prefixes and three suffixes that are used to form new words.
Prefixes to form new words:
1. Multi - means many. Multiple, multifaceted, multilingual
2. Omni - means all. Omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivore
3. Poly - means many. Polygamous, polychrome, polytheist

Suffixes to form new words:
1.adjective-to-noun: -ness (slow → eg: slowness)
2.verb-to-adjective: -able (pot → eg: potable)
3.verb-to-noun:  -er (to write → eg: writer)
4. adjective-to-adverb: -ly (personal → eg: personally)
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5. Mention any two synonyms of the following words:

a) Vacant - empty, unoccupied, deserted
b) True - actual, proper, real
c) Polite - respectful, civilized, sophisticated
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6. Mention the antonyms of the following words:
a) Generous - selfish or unkind
b) Marvelous -  ordinary
c) Professional - Amateur
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7. Explain the meaning of the word ‘abbreviation’

Abbreviations are short forms of lengthy expressions. Abbreviations are in use in almost every discipline and area of life.
Written and verbal communication often includes these abbreviations:
1.R.S.V.P. – This acronym means "Répondez s'il vous plait," French for "respond, if you please." It is often used on invitations to parties and special events, and is intended (as it says) to be responded to with a "yes, we will attend," or "no, we will not."
2.P.S. – Means "post script." At the end of a letter, people will often include a P.S. to include an extra thought that was intended to be included in the letter, but forgotten. Using a P.S. was more common in typewritten letters, when you couldn’t go back and add a sentence in the body of a letter.
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8. Give  any four examples of mostly used abbreviations
1. P.S. – Means "post script." At the end of a letter, people will often include a P.S. to include an extra thought that was intended to be included in the letter, but forgotten. Using a P.S. was more common in typewritten letters, when you couldn’t go back and add a sentence in the body of a letter.
2. A.S.A.P. – "As soon as possible," used when encouraging someone to respond to a request without delay.
3. E.T.A. – This acronym means "estimated time of arrival," and is used as a guess for when one expects to arrive while traveling.
4. D.I.Y. – This acronym stands for "do it yourself," which means creating something on your own.  It is often used for crafts and home repairs.
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9. Write a short note on idioms.

An idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words. English has thousands of idioms. Most of English idioms are informal. Idioms are a group of words used for more effective use of language. These words are not interpreted by their literal meaning but by their indicative meaning. Their effective use brings the command over the language.
 A bitter pill A situation or information that is unpleasant but must be accepted.
 A hot potato A controversial issue or situation that is awkward or unpleasant to deal with.
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10. Write any four examples of idioms and phrases each.

Idioms: An idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words.
1. ‘See eye to eye’ – this means agreeing with someone.
“They finally saw eye to eye on the business deal.”
2. ‘Once in a blue moon’ – an event that happens infrequently.
“I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.”
3. Let the cat out of the bag’ – to accidentally reveal a secret.
“I let the cat out of the bag about their wedding plans.”
4. ‘To feel under the weather’ – to not feel well.
 “I’m really feeling under the weather today; I have a terrible cold.”
5. ‘A piece of cake’– something is very easy.
“The English test was a piece of cake.”

Phrase means a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit.
1. blow up - explode
eg: The terrorists tried to blow up the railroad station.
2. call off -cancel
eg: They called off this afternoon's meeting
3. find out - discover
eg: My sister found out that her husband had been planning a surprise party for her.
4. give away -give something to someone else for free
eg: The filling station was giving away free gas.
5. make out - hear, understand
eg: He was so far away, we really couldn't make out what he was saying.

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