Notes 2 MODULE 1


Questions listed under 11 - 20 (PART-1)
Q11. What is the significance of listening skill?
Answer: "We have two ears but only one mouth" is the most commonly used adage that declares in an easy way to remember that listening can be twice as important as talking. Listening skills make sense of what the other person is saying. It also allows us to understand their intention. Listening is an active process that helps us to make sense of, assess and respond to what we hear. It often improves personal relationships, reduces misunderstanding and strengthenes cooperation.

Q12. Write the difference between listening and hearing.
Answer: The term 'Hearing' describes the sounds that we hear in a casual manner, whereas listening is the cautious action accompanied by concentration on the words being heard by an individual.

13. Define active listening and give the stages of active listening?
Answer:  Listening includes focus. It means paying attention not only to the heard sounds, but also how it si told, the use of vocabulary and voice and the body language. It means the inclusion of both verbal and non verbal messages.

14. Write few lines about logical listeners.
Answer: Logical listeners make an effort to hear what a person is saying. They try to comprehend the meaning of the words. However, they do not understand the intent or the meaning behind the words. THey do not receive messages from intonation, body language or facial expression. they miss the important components of what a speaker is trying to say.  

15. What are the stages involved in listening process?
Answer: The listening process involves five stages: receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding.  An effective listener must hear and identify the speech sounds heard by him or her. One should understand the message of those sounds. Then critically evaluate that message. The listener should remember what has been said and respond accordingly. 

16. What do the logical listeners listen to in particular.
Answer: Logical listeners make an effort to hear what is being said They comprehen the meaning of the actual words. They miss important components of what a speaker si trying to communicate. Logical listeners need to concentrate more on the non-verbal communication that accopanies the speech. 

17. Write few lines about active listener?
Answer:  Active listener is a person who listens actively and tries his or her best to understand what a speaker si saying and also why. In other words, they respect the speaker's point of view. They would listen with more intent and emotions behind the words. This helsp them to understand the speaker well. Active listening is very important in the workplace. It helps a person to improve productivity and build smother ll=relation ships.

18. How do the gender barriers affect your listening?
 Answer: Communication research has shown that gender can be barrier to listening. Men and women listen very differently and for different purposes. Women are more likely to listen for the emotion behind a speaker’s words. Men listen more for the facts and the content. 

19. Write a short note on listening comprehension. 
Answer: Comprehension means the ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation, facts, etc. Listening comprehension is the basis for a person's speaking, writing and reading skills. It helps to train his or her listening skills. It is important to listen actively. It means to to actively pay attention to what a person is listening to. Make it a habit to listen to audio books, podcasts, news, songs, etc. and to watch videos and films in the foreign language.

20. Mention the various methods used for listening comprehension. 
Answer: Here are the three methods used for listening comprehension
a. Set the purpose: A good first step in setting the stage is to tell students the purpose for listening.
b. Set the stage: A good first step in setting the stage is to tell students the purpose for listening.
c. Provide the follow up: Many times this follow up will be in a written forma.uch follow-up enablesa person to see what they were able to ascertain while listening


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