Grammar is what a verb is

What is in Grammar 
To be precise Grammar is more of making a right form of words being used by the speakers. These forms help the listener or the audience understand the words and appreciate their meaning.

We all know that there are eight parts of speech in grammar. These help in various forms to form sentences. But as a part of making right sentences, verbs play a major role than any other parts of speech.

Moreover Verbs in general are taken to describe the action part of the sentence that we are intended to speak. What are these verbs made of? And is it true that these verbs describe just our actions?

No, verbs are words that speak more than mere actions or activities. They include expressing the state the position of a person or a thing or a place or an animal. Those words describe the position or the state of being of that person or place or things or animals.
Verbs such as
am, is, are belong the present tense of the list
was, were form the past tense form for the description
been and being add to the past participle and present participle forms of the sentence.

When I describe about my state of being as a professional the verb is used to announce my position as a faculty. Hence I used the sentence - I'm a teacher.
And you use the verbs such as - You are a teacher. They were the students of the previous batch.
As the verbs of 'be' form these come under the umbrella of Main verbs.

Apart from 'be' form verbs we have two more forms - Do form verbs and Have form verbs.

Do, Does -- used in the present tense.
Do is used with the pronouns I, we, you, they - the pronouns forms
WE do this or don't do that. Here Do is taken as the main verb. What are you doing... in this are is the helping verb where as the verb form of do is taken as the present participle form of the verb.
Did  for the past tense
doing & done constitute to be the other forms.

Have forms are used to indicate the possession.
Have is used with the pronouns I, We, You, They.
Has is used with the third person - singular form pronouns - such as he, she, it

Do form and Have form verbs are more of helping nature rather than describe any state of being. Yet the awareness of right usage of these verbs definitely adds confidence to the speaker.

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