Which one you are!

Listening is the best gift one could give to their dear ones.
Listening is the first step towards establishing bonds with friends.
Listening is the toughest thing as it demands high levels of patience.

Listening is gathering the sounds with utmost concentration and deciphering the sounds into words, words into emotions and images. They may of our liking or not, the intent of the speaker is reached. The emotions are understood. The situations are balanced. Listening is that balm which could bring peace to any tortured soul.

Listening has its own fools and intellectuals.
How... one may question. Here is the situations...

A person acts the best of listening abilities.
Maintains perfect eye contact, nods continuously, smiles as though understood everything.
When you ask for an opinion or judgement, the blank stare reveals it all -- "I heard nothing, I was just acting because I had no option but to sit with you and listen to you" reveals the SUPERFICIAL LISTENER.

ANOTHER one comes in...
In a very straight way puts on a disinterested face
Eyes look sleepy and boring
Sits falling back in the chair
Holds the face with the help of the palm of the hand
Looks down completely, that shuts off the speaker. It's an open statement of I'm not at all interested and we call this one -  A NON LISTENER.

We have one interesting listener
Yes, there is no logic in name. It's just their attitude towards finding the words of their choice. That is the logic behind their listening. They fix some words on their mind, and look for them in the words of the speaker. Such as 'hike in the salary' 'time for increment'  for the GM meetings, or 'tomorrow is a holiday' or 'bandh' for the students, 'pocket money' or 'going to buy a bike for you' or 'a new mobile' for the boy or the girl of the house. :) These are the naughty listeners of the four types. 

Don't worry
There are some good souls those encourage us to speak out heartily, console the worried soul, or give their hundred percent to listening. They give complete of their self to look into your eyes, understand you, and support with the best of empathy. They are named under the brand of 'ACTIVE LISTENERS'.
These listeners are a welcome at any party or meeting or considered as the best students in the class. They receive your words with an open mind and absorb the info just like a dry sponge! It feels the best to speak to such best receivers.

Now analyse and identify the category/categories that you find for yourself!

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