As technology has become the oxygen of the Gen Next, the tech savvy find it easy to browse internet rather than struggle with compiling notes on paper with a pen. The use of mobile to refer notes and the easy print out method made it exam friendly. Hence I opted this space to provide space for the question and answers to the students. THIS method enables the notes to catch them up anywhere, anytime. Easy and student friendly :)

For a while, I shall be alternating with usual English stuff with academic explanations.

Here we go!

Here is the question bank for you!

1. Define the word communication.
Answer:The word communication is defined as an act of imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. The term 'Communication' is formed from Latin language. 'Communis and communicare' are two Latin words . Communis is a noun, which means common, communiality or sharing. Similarly, communicare is a verb, which means 'make something common'.

2. List the elements of communication process.
Answer:1. Sender
2. Receiver
3. Message
4. Channel
5. Feedback

3. Write a few lines about sender and receiver.
Answer: Sender: Sender is the most important element in the process of communication. 
He begins the process of communication as he or she intends to communicate a message in the most effective way. The sender focuses on the understanding ability of the receiver. A sender could be a living(human) or non-living (such as a television, projector, mike etc) entity. All of this is done bearing the receiver in mind. In a word, a sender's job is to encode a message.

The person who acts as the receiving end point is the receiver of the communication process.The receiver decodes the sender's message and extracts the meaning from the message. The receiver's sense of humor, conduct and understanding the intention of the sender play an important role in decoding the message.

4. Write a few lines about ‘feedback’.
Answer: Feedback:
It is defined as the response given by the receiver. This is considered as the 'decoding' ability of the receiver. Then the receiver begins to encode a message that suits the intention of the sender. This establishes the success or failure of the communication. Hence feedback is the important element in making the communication a success or a failure.

5. What is the difference between ‘hard skills’ and ‘soft skills’.
Answer: Hard Skills:
Hard skills are the technical skills that are related to establish one's self in a related profession. For eg: one needs to go through computer programming certificate/diploma courses in order to get a job of computer programmer. Hard skills are generally measurable from educational back ground.

Soft Skills: These are a set of personality traits. These include social graces, language skills, time management, team work, and leadership qualities. Soft skills complement hard skills. They are needed for better employment and even personal success levels.
Examples of soft skills include: patience, persuasion, time management, and motivation.

6. Write few lines about LSRW skills.
Answer: LSRW is the shortened form for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. These skills are necessary to learn a language. Generally we learn to listen first, then to speak. Further we move on to read and then finally to write. These are the four language skills established by the process of communication.

7. Write about the significance of English for Engineering students.
Answer: English is widely spoken all around the world. Knowing English allows people to enjoy their life and work no matter where they are. In a multilingual society, such as India, modern professionals must also be able to communicate effectively in a shared language.

 8. Explain the communication process in few lines.
Answer: The communication process is an important factor of human development. It establishes successful communication between two individuals or even among the groups. This include a sender, who encodes a message and successfully establishes the starting point. Components of communication process include a sender, who encodes a message, selects a channel of communication (medium), a receiver who receives the message and decodes it to give a befitting feed back.

9. Explain why mastering English language is important.
Answer: Professionals who are proficient in communication skills have a considerable edge over those who have not. Lack of communication skills will certainly make them deficient in resources. Job aspirants face several tough challenges in the global scenario if their communication skills are not up to the mark. Inadequate proficiency in English language, lack of exposure, low level of confidence and weak soft skills do not let them uphold in the global marketplace.

10. Give the explanation of the terms ‘encode’ and ‘decode’.
Answer: Encode: means to compose a bunch of thoughts into reasonable and understandable sentences. This further enables good 'decode'. Encoding refers to the process of taking an idea or mental image, associating that image with words, and then speaking those words in order to convey a message.

Decode: It is the reverse process of listening. Here the receiver listens to words, thinks about them, and turns those words into mental images. It denotes the response given by the receiver. It also marks the end of communication.

-- noenglish

What is Right and what not

An interesting exchange between two geniuses and both are Right...

*Einstein to Chaplin: "What I most admire about your art... is that you don't say a word, and the rest of the world understands you...!!"*

*Chaplin: "your glory is even greater. The whole world admires you, even though they don't understand a word of what you say !!!!"
What a communication par excellence! :)
Words Words...
The world has the volumes of them spoken and heard. How we make our words, mince the words or chisel them as images of beauty or bonding determines the belonging with people and places. Its all a game played with the intention of impressing each other.  This makes life easy and happy. Is there any one who doesn't want to be happy?

But happiness is not easily attained. The words carry so much with them - the intention, the emotion, the intonation. Each one is a factor that makes it right to speak and words are the deo that sprayed by the brain to make the wrong, right. 

Words are the roots that firmly grip the mind with twisted thoughts or the thoughtful twists. So beware of using the word, intonation and intention!

What is in a book!

What is in a book!
It comes out with a cover page that is well designed or defined according to the author's perceptions of the words within.

It comes with a title
that speaks of the essence of the spirit within.

It comes with a back page
Giving the essence of the writer and the intent of the content.

As a reader I looked at many books placed in the shelves of the book shops or the libraries. Many a time picked up two or three and finally decided on one to take to the counter.

It's an experience awaiting to be the writer.
The writer of published lines in pages.
The days that went on in grooming the emotions
The excitement in visualising them in print
The first touch of the paper back

An elated moment equals the arrival of the first baby  :)

Now I know how much goes behind making a book. My tiny speck "Dialogue with Diary" has seen my turbulent self toiling the silent nights with the keyboard.
My salutes to all the writers who made efforts and succeeded in making their books come in print and stand the test of the time.
Exciting to join the parenting of nurturing words!

-- Jayashree Naidu

Hard and Soft!

All that demands skills of communication does not ignore the educational merits.
Educational brilliance is the silver lining for the greater clouds of opportunity.

Nowadays its the skill that counts. Skilled persons are more sought after by the employers. Either a fresh graduate or an experienced personnel is the criteria for the management. Employ them and train them. Or get a skilled personnel. The HRs take care to make a strategical move.

 Equipping one's self is always a multi task platform. First it starts with the educational qualifications. This has to match with the job that covers the applicability of the chosen subject. The better qualified person is chosen amongst many random qualified aspirants. So what makes one stand out from the others is the point to be taken care of. Each job projects a different scenario. So, after joining for the undergraduate courses, a plan of action is to be drafted to focus the outcomes for the academics.

This has to include the careful absorption of subject information, extra in depth inquiry that forms the supportive data in the mind. Students could opt for the presentation of papers on their chosen topic as many universities are keen to take student participants. Even the employees too could opt for this to add that extra mileage in their IQ.

These are the hard skills that are required to frame the resume and support the job seeker during the training period or a regular employee.

Which one you are!

Listening is the best gift one could give to their dear ones.
Listening is the first step towards establishing bonds with friends.
Listening is the toughest thing as it demands high levels of patience.

Listening is gathering the sounds with utmost concentration and deciphering the sounds into words, words into emotions and images. They may of our liking or not, the intent of the speaker is reached. The emotions are understood. The situations are balanced. Listening is that balm which could bring peace to any tortured soul.

Listening has its own fools and intellectuals.
How... one may question. Here is the situations...

A person acts the best of listening abilities.
Maintains perfect eye contact, nods continuously, smiles as though understood everything.
When you ask for an opinion or judgement, the blank stare reveals it all -- "I heard nothing, I was just acting because I had no option but to sit with you and listen to you" reveals the SUPERFICIAL LISTENER.

ANOTHER one comes in...
In a very straight way puts on a disinterested face
Eyes look sleepy and boring
Sits falling back in the chair
Holds the face with the help of the palm of the hand
Looks down completely, that shuts off the speaker. It's an open statement of I'm not at all interested and we call this one -  A NON LISTENER.

We have one interesting listener
Yes, there is no logic in name. It's just their attitude towards finding the words of their choice. That is the logic behind their listening. They fix some words on their mind, and look for them in the words of the speaker. Such as 'hike in the salary' 'time for increment'  for the GM meetings, or 'tomorrow is a holiday' or 'bandh' for the students, 'pocket money' or 'going to buy a bike for you' or 'a new mobile' for the boy or the girl of the house. :) These are the naughty listeners of the four types. 

Don't worry
There are some good souls those encourage us to speak out heartily, console the worried soul, or give their hundred percent to listening. They give complete of their self to look into your eyes, understand you, and support with the best of empathy. They are named under the brand of 'ACTIVE LISTENERS'.
These listeners are a welcome at any party or meeting or considered as the best students in the class. They receive your words with an open mind and absorb the info just like a dry sponge! It feels the best to speak to such best receivers.

Now analyse and identify the category/categories that you find for yourself!

The Countdown has Begun!

My stint with literature has begun with amma's anxious reading of Pramadavanam in Andhra Prabha, a telugu magazine that offered the question and answers column written by the great lady writer, Malathi Chandur. She used to make me sit in the kitchen and read them loud as she could continue her work of preparing food for the family. The dried wood gives out flames so fast, that food had to be taken care of else they would turn black in no time.

Malathi Chandur's vast literary quotes lead to some more search and some more reading. Her column pages were torn and stitched together by hand by peddakka.

It was a continuous reading and the thirst too established the place in the increased number of collected pages and books.

Dedicate this first flower to that sweet mother!

Play with words

We had covered enough distance to be familiar with the task of adding words to our vocabulary. Now its time to look back and gather some posts of my liking and here they are and click on the links given below.

Brain Vs Mind

Let me remind about the mind

How Greek and Latin made English a rich one with words

Move on with

Some more word power with

Lets move on with more of word making and depositing more in the brain bank!

-- Jayashree