Writing is easy

We write to record a happening
We write to prove a point.
We write to argue with those unseen readers who oppose our point of view.
We write just to share the information in a systematic way so that the readers could remember in order to use the information in later stages.
All this involves writing for a purpose of the day to day happenings. We call them an article of argument or reflection. They consist of in depth information as they present for a thesis. Or a presentation. It takes the help of visual aids such as ppts or short informative videos. These writing forms include the various. This is writing for general purpose.People who like to make writing their profession become journalists, editors or content editors.

 Some would have the passion for writing but are indulged in other professions or established activities. Here writing is a vent out for the internal intensities. Writing them in words relieves them of the emotional or professional burdens. This equals a mind work out. These are amateurs. They write to express themselves. Literary works are the best examples for this. Writing a diary was considered as an art in the olden days. Now that lead to online writing in the likes of maintaining Facebook Pages or Blogging. But they could not be as secretive as a dairy.

One can limit the access and decide who could read them. But the data remains the same. This further lead to a regular readership on internet. Amitabh Bachan's blog is the best example for this.

Writing is Easy...
Reading a book is a hobby for some. While reading, the lines flow and the eye moves on them. The content forms a picture in our mind to correlate itself with our emotions too. Literary fiction works often have this impact. For general articles we need not impress the reader much. But the literary piece needs to be wrote, groomed and perfected. A continuous cropping of redundancies and addition of verbal cosmetics (finding decorative vocabulary) is a necessity. THis demands a better levels of reading and writing.

Once you attain sufficient levels of vocabulary and a grip on imaginary levels certainly makes a person feel "WRITING IS EASY"

-- noenglish

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