Don't you hear me

Hearing and listening sound synonymous to the casual reader. Check these two sentences below.
* Hear carefully or Listen carefully
* Hearing aids or Listening aids
Give'em a thought!

Now the idea is clear. Hearing is not Listening.
They depict different levels of the activity. Hearing is just the physical gathering of the sounds around us. We do not associate attention to those sounds that we hear. For example let us take - car horn sound, or the shouts of children in the play ground, or the TV program etc. We take in those sounds and we just hear them. And we don't try to remember them.

Listening is a activity associated with higher levels of concentration. We listen to the speeches of our favourite speakers. Note down the points or tips mentioned in their speeches mentally.Some even go to the extent of practising them in real life too. Listening results in connecting the content with the chord of a person's memory power.

So don't take it easy.
Hence we have this framed caution
"Listen Carefully!"  :)

Listening and hearing show their impact on our bonding with the people of our lives too.
A father is irritated when a son just hears at his words of caution regarding driving a bike or focus on studies.
What the dad said would not remain in the mind of the youngster. The moment he sits on the bike, only the racing road appears.
But it is an altogether different issue with our favourite activities.
We listen carefully to catch the words of the lyrics of our favourite songs. Hence we remember the songs more easily and for a long time.

Listening happens in three ways:
Listening to learn is considered as "Informational Listening" (Listening to Learn)
Sometimes we listen to Evaluate and analyse -   Critical Listening
Listening to understand, feeling and emotion - Empathetic Listening

These three types of listening occurs according to the place and the role of an individual in any given situation. Our vocabulary has to reflect the nuances of our intelligence and make work good for us.
 Hence seeing the words rather than just haring them works the best for us to respond well with others and sustain the emotional bonds longer.

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