Hats off

Nature showed the utmost care by placing the brain secured in the skull. It blessed the brain with the greatest boon - thinking. 

Which chemical activates this process or Which catalyst triggers the emotions are not yet answered. The scientists are yet to develop a machine that equates with the brain's mind power. 
 Though we do not its perfect mechanism, we could use it to our best ability.

It is better for us to exercise our ability to think in better ways.  Understanding those phases helps us to understand our ways of thinking. Let's take the help of our mind master Edward De Bono. De Bono has written 57 books with translations into 34 languages. Thank the master mind and Wear the hats. So we start with the first one. 
One more special feature of his hats is that they are associated with colors. 

First one, White hat: Represents information. What are the facts? Which part of the information is false - this would be our first reaction to any heard information. Every minute we take in lot of information. So we wear it all the time

Second hat, Red hat: Red color represents emotions. We attach emotions to the fact that we gather from reading or listening. Emotional attachment dertermines next step of thinking

Third hat, Green hat: Green is generally associated with the emotion of jealousy. That is the denser emotion of heart. But here it is associated with investigation. Once we receive any info, we attach some emotion to it and start to investigate if it is acceptable or not.

Fourth hat, Balck hat: Black color is associated with judging nature. The gods of legal world wear long black gowns, the goddess of judgement wears a black band closing her eyes. In the darkness no color can be identified. Black is the stronger color. In the process too it applies to identify reasons to be cautious, practical and realistic.

Fifth one is, Yellow hat: It represents optimism. This level of thinking includes identifying benefits and seeing the brighter side of the situations

Sixth and the last one is Blue Hat: Blue belongs to the color of the skies. Philosophical in nature. After making a decision we shall have the look back attitude. What is the subject? What am I thinking about? What is the Goal? How far did I travel? Sometimes Blue hat gives us larger than the life frame.

The procedure of thinking is simplified through the concept of wearing hats. But many things race through our mind, that it engages in multi-tasking. Various issues would be wearing different colored hats in our mind. Just imagine our head popped up with multiple colored hats. Imagine is good for health.  :)  :)