Colorful Words

Imagine how world looks/feels without colors.
Close the eyes and let the mind ponder over it.
It's the dullest thing to imagine.
yes, colors are the best thing for the eyes. We love to keep our surroundings colorful with interior decoration at home. Now we could decorate the roof of the bed room with stars and moon to feel the sleep under the sky. Wow!

We dress in various color combinations to look gorgeous or pleasant or trendy or just cool.
Colors affect our moods and we choose the dress colors according to our moods. Both are complimentary to each other. Check this point when you were about to choose your shirt from the wardrobe.

Time to add color to our words.
Here we are supposed to attach each aspect to making words or phrases. Let's check how colors are attached to the words to sound it colorful while communicating the emotions.

1. Green eyed monster - this phrase describes "jealousy"
If you remember the decades back ONIDA TV advertisement - an adorable monster (in green color) peeps out and tells us - Owners Pride, Neighbour's Envy"
Envy is synonymous to jealousy.

2. Beat him black and blue - Beating a person to the highest level of force that causes the maximum damage to the skin on the body

3. Red
Red carpet welcome: welcoming the most important person
Red Tapism: Bureaucratic hiccups that hinder the administration to make decisions related to any important issues.
Red alert: a caution not to move in those surroundings
Paint the town red: This is an idiom and means to go out into a city or town and have a good time (usually by drinking alcohol and going dancing)

4. Yellow bellied means a coward

5. Pink slip: A notice of dismissal from job

6. White elephant: An expensive item that is costly to maintain

7. Golden opportunity (I think no need to explain. :)

8. Blue collar job - working in a manual labour job
Antonym for this is - A White collar job an executive one.

9. Silver has the most glamorous phrase -- SILVER SCREEN

10. Put something down in black and white.
(means to write)

11. William's face was black and blue after the wrestling match.
(means badly bruised)

Now find your vocabulary, Check either in the dictionary or google them :)

* Black list
* Black sheep
* A bolt from the blue
* Feel blue
* To show one's true colors 
* with flying colors
* To be kept in the dark

1 comment:

  1. Eid is the festival of plentitude and gratitude.
    May peace and prosperity prevail making our lives contented.

    My best wishes to all my friends.
    Ramadan Mubaraq
