

Syllable and types of syllables (to be written)

To communicate clearly when you are speaking in English, it’s important to stress the correct syllables in each word. This is called word stress, which means pronouncing one syllable of a multisyllabic word with greater emphasis (stress) than the

other syllables in the word. Here are four general rules to keep in mind about word stress as you practice pronunciation:

Stress the first syllable of:
Most two-syllable nouns (examples: CLImate, KNOWledge)

Most two-syllable adjectives (examples: FLIPpant, SPAcious)

Stress the last syllable of:
Most two-syllable verbs (examples: reQUIRE, deCIDE)

Stress the second-to-last syllable of:
Words that end in -ic (examples: ecSTATic, geoGRAPHic)

Words ending in -sion and -tion (examples: exTENsion, retriBUtion)

Stress the third-from-last syllable of:
Words that end in -cy, -ty, -phy and -gy (examples: deMOCracy, unCERtainty, geOGraphy, radiOLogy)

Words that end in -al (examples: exCEPtional, CRItical)

 A few things to remember:
1. A word can only have one stress.
In a very long word you can have asecondary stress, but it is always a much smallerstress.
2. Only vowels are stressed, not consonants.
The vowels in English area, e, i, o, and u. The consonants are all the other letters.
3. There are many exceptions to the rules.
The word stress rules in English are complicated. Remember that there are exceptions to everyrule. Use a dictionary to check the word stress of new words. .


When you wish to describe anything, you must have an eye for the detail. You
must be a good observer. Suppose you were going for a walk. There was a middleaged man struggling up the road on his bicycle. Suddenly, a car came at a great
speed, its horn screaming, and its fend struck the cyclist. The bike and the man fell
down. The car did not stop. There was an enquiry. The police inspector asked you:
 The Inspector : Can you identify the car?
 You : It was a big car. I think it was a Tata Sumo.
 The Inspector : Are you sure? What was its colour?
 You : Yes. It was a Sumo. And it was olive green.
 The Inspector : Can you remember the number of the car?
 You : No, I am sorry. It happened so quickly. I was looking at the
cyclist who fell down.
 The Inspector : Couldn’t you at least see if the car was from this state or
from outside? 

Describing Persons:

It is very important to observe people and be able to describe them.

1. Geeta Kulkarni is twenty two years old. She is very short and has long curly
hair. The best feature in her face is a set of lovely dimples when she smiles,
which she often does.
2. Mahendra is twenty five years old. He is a thin man. He has wheatish
complexion and a small moustache.
3. Ratna is a fifteen year old girl. She is dark skinned, and has a broad face and
very long hair always in a plait.

 Study the following descriptive
 age : old, terribly old
 face: : wrinkled, puckered
 general appearance : not pretty, but beautiful
 figure : short and fat and slightly bent
 manner of walking : hobbled, with one hand resting on her waist
 hair : silver, scattered untidily
 dress : spotless white
 action : lips moved in prayer, hand telling rosary beads.

Height : Normally we talk of height in feet. We can only guess someone’s
height. We can say: He must be five feet six inches tall. She is about
five feet three inches.
But very often we say:
He is rather tall. She is rather short. She may come up to my shoulders.
He is of a medium height. He is very tall for an Indian. She cannot be more than five
Weight : If we know, we can say how much a person weighs. But while
describing, we talk about weight in general terms. We make use of
adjectives such as:
 fat, thin, slim, overweight, plump, famished, well-built, stocky,

Face and Head: When you describe someone’s face you say something about his or
her eyes. Eyes can be:
 blue, black, brown, grey or green

Hair : Hair can be black, blond, in colour. In size the hair can be long or
short, curly, wavy, straight, closely cropped, tied in a bun, or left loose
round the shoulders.
Moustache: This is in the case of men. There can be a thin moustache or ample
moustache, curved or sloping down. Or a man can be just cleanshaven.
Lips : lips can be thin, red, or wide, and thick 

 Describing Places:
 When writing description of places, you need to write about : 1) where it is (its location), what it is --- a castle, a museum, an art gallery, a temple, a palace, etc 2) if it is a historical place, its possible period, when it was built, 3) its structure and its present state, 4) if it is a town, a hill station, then where it is situated, what it is known for, etc. Read this description of Matheran, a hill station in Maharashtra: Matheran: Matheran is a hill station in the district of Raigad. It is situated at the height of 800 meters in the hill ranges of Sahyadri mountain. This beautiful place was discovered in 1850 by the Governor of Bombay (now Mumbai), Lord Elphinston. This is a very peaceful and pleasant hill station, where cars are not allowed. It is a heaven for those who love nature. You see hills covered with green grass.There is a meter-gauge train running from the railway station Neral, which slowly winds up its way to Matheran. It’s a wonderful experience to travel by this train.    






Mother tongue influence or MTI means the impact of the way your first language is spoken on the second language you are trying to learn. For us, it means effect of our mother tongue on the way we speak English. The mother tongue like-accent is able to affect the ability to pronounce foreign language words.

These are some ways to remove MTI from your English:

Listen to as much as possible in English: You should listen to English News and also watch English movies. ...

Record your voice: By recording your voice you can hear for yourself as to what is your problem area and then work on it and solve the wrong pronunciation.

    Make Sure To Listen As Well As Speak. ...
    Record Your Conversation Practice. ...
    Surround Yourself With The English Language. ...
    Practice With Music and Movies. ...
    Read Aloud. ...
    Talk To Yourself.

Here are 5 easy steps for to start improving your English Pronunciation skills right now.

    Open and move your mouth when you speak English. ...
    Slow down and speak up. ...
    Listen more carefully to yourself. ...
    Listen more carefully to others. ...
    Spend some time on pronunciation.


What is Etiquette ? :What is Etiquette ? Etiquette in simpler words is defined as good behaviour which distinguishes human beings from animals. Etiquette means behaving yourself a little better than a absolutely essential. Etiquette refers to guidelines which control the way a responsible individual should behave in the society .

Need for Etiquettes :Need for Etiquettes Etiquette makes you a cultured individual who leaves his mark wherever he goes. Etiquette teaches you the way to talk, walk and most importantly behave in the society. Etiquette is essential for an everlasting first impression. The way you interact with your superiors, parents, fellow workers, friends speak a lot about your personality and up- bringing. Etiquette enables the individuals to earn respect and appreciation in the society. No one would feel like talking to a person who does not know how to speak or behave in the society.Etiquette helps individuals to value relationships.

Types of Etiquette:

  1.      Eating Etiquette
  2.     Telephone Etiquette
  3.     Corporate Etiquette
  4.     Meeting Etiquette
  5.     Business Etiquette
  6.     Social Etiquette

Eating Etiquette-  Individuals must follow certain decorum while eating in public. Wash your hand before and after the meal Don’t make noise while eating. One should not leave the table unless and until everyone has finished eating. Chew with your mouth closed.

Telephone Etiquette-  It is essential to learn how one should interact with the other person over the phone. Telephone etiquette refers to the way an individual should speak on the phone.

Corporate Etiquette-   Corporate Etiquette refers to how an individual should behave while he is at work. Each one needs to maintain the decorum of the organization. Treat your coworkers,cleaners,maintenance people and other with respect and courtes.

Meeting Etiquette-  Meeting Etiquette refers to styles one need to adopt when he is attending any meeting, seminar, presentation and so on. Listen to what the other person has to say. Never enter meeting room without a notepad and pen.

Business Etiquette-  Business Etiquette includes ways to conduct a certain business. Don’t ever cheat customers.

Social Etiquette-   Social etiquette is important for an individual as it teaches how to behave in the society Say Thank you always,Specially when someone holds or open the door for you Walk on the sides of the road Don’t talk while you cross a road or driving a vehicle.
