Seminar Topics for English


a) Prepare the content with PPT.
(no PPT for video presentation batch)

b) Start with introduction of yourself and the topic
Continue with the definition of the chosen topic such as definition of communication, listening, hearing, speaking etc

c) Continue the topic with the body of the content, discussing the various parts of your chosen topic

d) Conclude with a summary of the topic and your point of view about it.

PPT preparation tips:

i. 11 slides
ii. First slide - Title of the Topic
iii. Second slide - Your name, Roll number, Branch and College Name
iv. Third slide onwards choose any three important points of the paragraphs of the content.
v. Any related image could be added.
vi. Last slide should be a usual THANK YOU image or words.

1. Communication process - a tool for life

2. Elements of communication - Oxygen for the lungs of information

3. Soft Skills score high over Hard Skills

4. Need of the hour - Soft Skills

5. Soft skills are the Life Skills

6. Being skilled is minimum.  Add a mile of Soft skills.

7. Hearing is not Listening

8. Listening is the noblest art of Silence

9. Know the Barriers of Listening to refine the skill of Listening.

10. Listening is multi faceted.
( discuss the various types of listeners along with the introduction of communication process and difference between listening and hearing, and continue with the types of listeners)

11. Speaking is the finest art of communication skills.

12. Elements of speaking skills

13. Don't tell us , Take us!

14. Awareness of barriers of speaking to be the best speaker.

15. Oral Presentation - the best tool to impress all!

16. Body Language - the unknown vocabulary around us.

17. The merits and demerits of Body Language

18. The tool of Reading to tune the speaking
( discuss about the four types of reading along with the intro of communication skills
Definition and explanation of Reading skill)

19. Importance of English for Engineering students in particular

20. The concept of Global village and the Rise of Employment opportunities through English.

-- Jayashree Naidu